Ancient terracotta figurines found at a megalithic period dolmen site near Moodbidri in Dakshina Kannada


Ancient Terracotta Figurines Unearthed at a Megalithic Dolmen Site in Dakshina Kannada

Unlocking the Secrets of India's Megalithic Heritage

In a remarkable discovery, recent archaeological explorations at the megalithic dolmen site at Muddu Konaje near Moodabidri in Karnataka's Dakshina Kannada region have unveiled a treasure trove of ancient terracotta figurines, providing valuable insights into India's megalithic culture. This article delves deep into this fascinating find, shedding light on the historical significance, cultural relevance, and the captivating stories behind these terracotta artifacts.

In a remarkable discovery, recent archaeological explorations at the megalithic dolmen site at Muddu Konaje near Moodabidri in Karnataka's Dakshina Kannada region have unveiled a treasure trove of ancient terracotta figurines, providing valuable insights into India's megalithic culture. This article delves deep into this fascinating find, shedding light on the historical significance, cultural relevance, and the captivating stories behind these terracotta artifacts.
Ancient terracotta figurines found at a megalithic period dolmen site near Moodbidri in Dakshina Kannada

An Ancient Puzzle Unearthed

Archaeologists, historians, and enthusiasts alike were captivated when the megalithic dolmen site at Muddu Konaje yielded a stunning discovery. Among the remnants of a bygone era, unique terracotta figurines emerged, each with its own tale to tell.

The Dating Game

According to T. Murugeshi, a retired associate professor of the department of ancient history and archaeology at Mulki Sundar Rama Shetty College in Shirva, Udupi district, these idols can be traced back to the period between 800 and 700 BCE. This revelation places them squarely in the Iron Age, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the lives of our ancient ancestors.

The Figurines Unveiled

Among the treasures unearthed were eight figurines, each possessing its own mystique. Two figurines took the form of cows, one represented a mother goddess, two were crafted in the likeness of peacocks, while another depicted a horse. Adding to the intrigue, one figurine was a partial hand of the mother goddess, and an enigmatic, unidentified object completed the collection. These figurines are more than mere artifacts; they are windows into the past, allowing us to explore the beliefs and aesthetics of an ancient civilization.

The Megalithic Site at Mudu Konaje

The megalithic site at Mudu Konaje, discovered and reported by historian and researcher Pundikai Ganapayya Bhat in the 1980s, stands as a testament to India's rich history. Situated on the slope of a stone hill, it is home to a total of nine dolmens, though sadly only two remain intact. The rest have succumbed to the ravages of time, leaving us to piece together the stories of the past through the artifacts they once housed.

Unraveling the Mysteries of the Megalithic Culture

The Megalithic culture in India is renowned for its diverse burial practices and the utilization of iron. The dolmen, a distinctive megalithic structure, stands as a prime example of their architectural prowess. Below the dolmen, enormous stone slabs known as orthostats were arranged in a clockwise formation, a ritualistic practice that raises intriguing questions about the beliefs and customs of this ancient civilization.

Terracotta Treasures

Among the remarkable findings at Mudu Konaje, the terracotta figurines hold a special place. These figurines are a rare discovery in India, and their presence has profound implications. The cow breeds represented in these dolmens offer valuable clues about the chronology and significance of the megalithic tombs.

Unlocking the Spiritual and Cultural Significance

Terracottas found in megalithic cemeteries provide a solid foundation for the study of ghost cults or divine worship in coastal Karnataka. The likeness of cow bovines or cow goddesses, reminiscent of the Malampuzha megalithic terracotta sculptures in Kerala and Egypt, opens up avenues for exploring the spiritual and cultural connections of this region with other ancient civilizations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of the terracotta figurines found at Mudu Konaje?

The terracotta figurines found at Mudu Konaje offer a unique glimpse into the megalithic culture of ancient India. They provide insights into the beliefs, rituals, and artistic expressions of this civilization.

Who discovered the megalithic site at Mudu Konaje?

Historian and researcher Pundikai Ganapayya Bhat discovered and reported the megalithic site at Mudu Konaje in the 1980s, leading to subsequent archaeological explorations.

How old are the terracotta figurines?

According to T. Murugeshi, a retired professor of ancient history and archaeology, these figurines date back to the period between 800 and 700 BCE, placing them firmly in the Iron Age.

What do the cow figurines signify?

The presence of cow figurines in the dolmens suggests the importance of cattle in the megalithic culture. They likely held symbolic or religious significance.

Why are only two dolmens at Mudu Konaje still intact?

Over time, the majority of the dolmens at Mudu Konaje have deteriorated or been ruined, leaving only two dolmens in a relatively well-preserved state.

How do these terracotta figurines contribute to our understanding of megalithic cultures?

The terracotta figurines found at Mudu Konaje provide valuable insights into the religious and cultural practices of megalithic civilizations, shedding light on their beliefs and rituals.


The discovery of ancient terracotta figurines at the megalithic dolmen site in Dakshina Kannada is a testament to the rich tapestry of India's history. These artifacts, dating back to a bygone era, offer us a unique opportunity to connect with the past, explore the beliefs of our ancestors, and unravel the mysteries of the megalithic culture. As we continue to unearth treasures like these, the story of India's ancient civilizations becomes more captivating and enigmatic.


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