South Asia Conference of the United Nations International Trade Law Commission was held in New Delhi

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South Asia Conference of the United Nations International Trade Law Commission: A Visionary Summit in New Delhi

Discover the highlights of the South Asia Conference of the United Nations International Trade Law Commission held in New Delhi. Explore its objectives, agenda, and significance in advancing India's role in international arbitration.


The South Asia Conference of the United Nations International Trade Law Commission (UNCITRAL) held in New Delhi from 14 to 16 September 2023 was a landmark event that brought together legal experts, policymakers, and thought leaders from around the world. Organized jointly by the Ministry of External Affairs, UNCITRAL, and the Indian National Coordination Committee, this three-day conference was a continuation of a significant milestone in UNCITRAL's history, marking its 50th anniversary in 2016. This article delves into the details of this exceptional conference, shedding light on its objectives, agenda, and the broader implications for India's standing in international arbitration.

Discover the highlights of the South Asia Conference of the United Nations International Trade Law Commission held in New Delhi. Explore its objectives, agenda, and significance in advancing India's role in international arbitration.
South Asia Conference of the United Nations International Trade Law Commission was held in New Delhi

South Asia Conference of UNCITRAL: A Detailed Overview

The South Asia Conference of UNCITRAL aimed to foster greater engagement between India and UNCITRAL, while also encouraging interaction between UNCITRAL, the judiciary, bureaucracy, academia, and the legal fraternity. At its core, the conference sought to establish India as a hub for international arbitration.

Key Highlights of the Conference

1. Distinguished Attendees: The conference witnessed the presence of notable figures, including Minister of State for External Affairs Rajkumar Ranjan Singh, Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud, and Attorney General R Venkataramani.

2. Continuation of a Legacy: This event continued the legacy of the conference held in New Delhi in 2016, celebrating the 50th anniversary of UNCITRAL. Such continuity underscores the enduring commitment to the principles of UNCITRAL.

3. Promotion of India as an Arbitration Hub: The primary focus of the conference was to position India as a leading destination for international arbitration. This strategic move aims to attract global disputes and arbitration cases to India.
4. Comprehensive Agenda: The conference boasted a broad agenda, featuring sessions led by global and regional experts. These sessions covered a wide array of topics, including the digital economy, support for Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), insolvency, investor-state dispute settlement reforms, international commercial arbitration, and mediation.

United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)

UNCITRAL, established by the General Assembly in 1966, has been a cornerstone of international trade law development. Its secretariat is located in Vienna, Austria. UNCITRAL's role in harmonizing and modernizing international trade law cannot be overstated. It has played a pivotal role in facilitating cross-border commerce by providing model laws and legal instruments that governments can adopt.


Q: What is UNCITRAL?

 UNCITRAL stands for the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. It is a vital body within the United Nations system dedicated to the harmonization and modernization of international trade law.

Q: Why was the South Asia Conference of UNCITRAL held?

 The conference aimed to advance India's engagement with UNCITRAL and promote India as a center of international arbitration. It also sought to facilitate interaction between UNCITRAL and various stakeholders, including the legal fraternity and academia.

Q: Who were the prominent figures present at the conference?

 Minister of State for External Affairs Rajkumar Ranjan Singh, Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud, and Attorney General R Venkataramani graced the event with their presence.

Q: What was the primary focus of the conference?

 The primary focus of the conference was to position India as a leading destination for international arbitration, attracting global disputes and arbitration cases to the country.

Q: What topics were covered during the conference?

 The conference featured sessions on a wide range of topics, including the digital economy, support for MSMEs, insolvency, investor-state dispute settlement reforms, international commercial arbitration, and mediation.

Q: When was UNCITRAL established?

 UNCITRAL was established by the General Assembly in 1966, as per resolution 2205(XXI) of 17 December 1966. Its secretariat is located in Vienna, Austria.


The South Asia Conference of UNCITRAL held in New Delhi in September 2023 was not just an event but a strategic move to elevate India's status in international arbitration. With its impressive agenda, distinguished attendees, and its mission to promote India as a hub for global arbitration, this conference marked a significant step forward in India's journey towards becoming a key player in the international legal landscape. The conference reaffirmed UNCITRAL's role as a driving force in shaping international trade law and fostering cooperation among nations.


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