Syria revokes BBC's media accreditation for 'spreading fake news'

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Syria revokes BBC's media accreditation for 'spreading fake news

 Syria's Ministry of Information revoked the BBC's media accreditation on 8 July 2023, accusing the British public broadcaster of biased and fake news in its coverage of the war-torn country.

 The announcement came days after BBC Arabic released an investigative documentary about the illegal drug trade in Syria, which it explored the links between the estimated billion-dollar industry and the Syrian military, as well as family members of President Bashar Assad. 
 The Syrian Information Ministry said in a statement that the decision was made after "warning the channel more than once that it aired its misleading reports relying on statements and testimony from terrorist organizations and people hostile to Syria". "
 Damascus revoked the licenses of both the British broadcaster's radio and television correspondents in Syria, as well as their videographer. The BBC said, "We talk to people across the political spectrum to establish the facts," providing "impartial independent journalism".


 Syria is flourishing as a market for the illegal drug industry, particularly the addictive Captagon amphetamine tablets. It has also troubled neighboring Jordan and Saudi Arabia, as well as other Gulf countries.

 Syria's rebellion, which has turned into a full-fledged civil war now in its 13th year, has killed nearly half a million people and displaced half of its pre-war population of 23 million. Syrians suffer from widespread poverty and crippled 
infrastructure, both in government-held territory and in opposition-held areas in the country's northwest.

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