Suicide drone 'Kamikaze' developed by IIT Kanpur

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Suicide drone 'Kamikaze' developed by IIT Kanpur

Suicide drone 'Kamikaze' developed by IIT Kanpur

 Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur has developed an indigenous version of 'kamikaze drone' (a type of suicide drone). The suicide drone can carry a weapon of up to 6 kg up to 100 km.
 The drone has been successfully operated on 10 July 2023. It has been developed by scientist Dr. Subramaniam Sadrela and his team from the Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT.
 These suicide drones will attack after covering a distance of 100 km from the Indian border, it will take 40 minutes to reach 100 km. In this, techniques that do not come under the radar of the enemies have been used.

Suicide drone

 The drone is algorithmically driven, meaning it will be able to take decisions on its own and can be controlled remotely from a base station. Apart from day, it is also capable of flying at night.

 Research work on this drone was going on for a year under DRDO's DYSL project (Young Scientist Laboratory). It is a two meter long foldable fixed wing drone. The drone's wing is fitted with cameras and infrared sensors, and can be launched from a catapult or canister launcher. With the help of AI technology, this drone will destroy the target even after the GPS is blocked.

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