PM Narendra Modi, became the first Indian Prime Minister to get France's supreme citizen and military honor 'The Grand Cross of the Lion of Honor'

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PM Narendra Modi became the first Indian Prime Minister to get France's supreme citizen and military honor 'The Grand Cross of the Lion of Honor'

PM Narendra Modi, became the first Indian Prime Minister to get France's supreme citizen and military honor 'The Grand Cross of the Lion of Honor'

 Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in France from 13 July to 15 July 2023 in the first phase of the official visit of France and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). President Macron honored Shri Modi with the biggest citizen and military honor in France 'The Grand Cross of the Lion of Honor'.

 Prime Minister Narendra Modi has become the first Indian Prime Minister to receive this honor. The other prominent person who received this honor at the Elisy Palace is - former South African President Nelson Mandela, King Charles, Germany's Angela Merkel, and former UN general secretary of UN, Butroos -Ghali.
 Established in 1802 by Napoleon Bonaparte, The Legion of Honor is divided into five classes (lower to higher). The color of the ribbon is red and the badge is a five- cosmetics malters opening hanging on an oak and laurel flower.

 This is Prime Minister Modi's sixth visit to France. This year there is also the 25th anniversary of the India-France Strategic Partnership. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was the chief guest at the Bustil Day Parade in Paris.

Major facts

 Both countries India's payment system U.P.I. Have agreed to use it in France. Shri Modi announced the opening of a new Indian consulate in Marsile, France.
 Indian students who do masters in France will now be given a five-year work visa after studying. Earlier, two years of work visa was given.

 With the aim of increasing India's naval capabilities, 26 Rafale maritime aircraft and three additional Scorpene submarines will be procured from the French government. These submarines will be produced by Majgaon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL).

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