Iran was indicted in the World Court for downing a passenger plane in the year 2020

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Iran was indicted in the World Court for downing a passenger plane in the year 2020

Iran was indicted in the World Court for downing a passenger plane in the year 2020

 In the Supreme Court of the United Nations, a case has been registered in the World Court against Iran for the downing of a passenger plane in the year 2020. Canada, Sweden, Ukraine, and Britain have demanded action against Iran from the International Court of Justice.

 All 176 passengers and crew members were killed in the incident. Most of the dead were citizens of Canada, Sweden, Ukraine, and Britain, as well as Afghanistan and Iran.
 The four countries want Iran's downing of the Ukrainian international airliner to be declared illegal and the dead to be compensated.

 Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752, a Boeing 737-800 aircraft, crashed after taking off from Iran's Imam Khomeini Airport on the outskirts of Tehran, Iran, on January 8, 2020.
 In January 2020, after three days of denials, Iran said its paramilitary Revolutionary Guard accidentally shot down a Ukrainian airliner with two surface-to-air missiles. This year an Iranian court sentenced an air defense commander allegedly responsible for the assassination to 13 years in prison.

 International Court of Justice (ICJ)

 The ICJ was established by the United Nations Charter in 1945 and began functioning in April 1946. It is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, located at the Peace Palace in The Hague (Netherlands). Unlike the six principal organs of the United Nations, it is the only organ not located in New York (USA).

 The Court is composed of 15 judges, who are elected by the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council to serve nine-year terms. Its official languages are English and French. These judges are elected from Africa (3), Latin America and the Caribbean (2), Asia (3), Western Europe and other states (5), and Eastern Europe (2).

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