Researchers from IIT Roorkee discovered fossils of the world's largest snake 'Vasuki Indicus' in Kutch, Gujarat


Discovery of Vasuki Indicus: Fossils of the World's Largest Snake Found in Kutch, Gujarat


Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee have made a remarkable discovery, unearthing fossils of one of the largest snakes to have ever existed. This ancient reptile, named Vasuki Indicus, lived during the Mid-Eocene era approximately 47 million years ago. The fossils were found in the Panandro Lignite mine in Kutch, Gujarat, providing valuable insights into the ancient life forms that once roamed the Earth.

Researchers from IIT Roorkee discovered fossils of the world's largest snake 'Vasuki Indicus' in Kutch, Gujarat
Researchers from IIT Roorkee discovered fossils of the world's largest snake 'Vasuki Indicus' in Kutch, Gujarat

Details of the Discovery

The researchers discovered 27 pieces of the snake's "partial, well-protected" vertebral column, suggesting that Vasuki Indicus was a massive creature, measuring between 10 meters to 15 meters in length—comparable to a modern school bus. The fossil discovery was published in the journal Scientific Reports, and it has captured the attention of the scientific community for its significance in understanding prehistoric reptiles.

The Significance of Vasuki Indicus

The name "Vasuki Indicus" has symbolic importance, referencing the giant serpent Vasuki from Hindu mythology. In Hindu lore, Vasuki is often depicted as a large serpent coiled around Mount Mandara during the churning of the ocean, symbolizing strength and endurance. By naming the fossil after this mythical creature, researchers have underscored the grandeur and historical significance of the discovery.

A Unique Lineage from the Madatsoide Family

Vasuki Indicus belongs to the extinct Madatsoide snake family, representing a unique lineage from India. The size and structure of the vertebral column indicate that this snake was among the largest in its family. This discovery offers new information on the diversity of the Madatsoide family and their evolution over time.

The World During the Mid-Eocene Era

The Mid-Eocene era was a time when the Earth's continents looked quite different from today. During this period, Africa, India, and South America were a joint territory. This configuration contributed to a unique distribution of flora and fauna, allowing species like Vasuki Indicus to thrive in a very different environment. Understanding the context in which these reptiles lived provides valuable insights into Earth's ancient ecosystems and their evolution.

Contributions by IIT Roorkee Researchers

The discovery was led by Professors Sunil Bajpai and Debjit Dutta of IIT Roorkee, who emphasized the significance of finding the fossilized remains of a snake of this size and age. Debjit Dutta, a postdoctoral fellow and co-author of the study, noted the symbolic importance of naming the species and the scientific importance of the discovery. This finding not only sheds light on India's prehistoric past but also opens up new avenues for research into ancient reptiles and their habitats.


The discovery of Vasuki Indicus in Kutch, Gujarat, is a groundbreaking event in the field of paleontology. This giant snake fossil provides a glimpse into the prehistoric world and expands our understanding of the ancient reptiles that once lived on Earth. The work by the researchers at IIT Roorkee represents a significant contribution to our knowledge of extinct species and highlights the importance of ongoing research in the field.

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