IIT Madras and IIM Ahmedabad launch 'AI for India 2.0' program

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IIT Madras and IIM Ahmedabad launch the 'AI for India 2.0' program

IIT Madras and IIM Ahmedabad launch 'AI for India 2.0' program

 Union Minister for Education and Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Dharmendra Pradhan launched a free training program "AI for India 2.0" on Artificial Intelligence on World Youth Skills Day.
 A joint initiative of Skill India and GUVI (an IIT Madras and IIM Ahmedabad incubated company), this NCVET and IIT Madras accredited online program will equip youth with cutting-edge skills. The program is curated in 9 Indian languages.
 AI is reshaping the education system in India and other parts of the world, leading to an education revolution called Education 4.0. It makes students future-ready by enabling the understanding and power of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in changing education to be more inclusive.
 GUVI, an IIT Madras incubated startup is a technology platform that enables technical learning in local languages.

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