Iceland became the world's most peaceful country for the 15th consecutive time in the Global Peace Index

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Iceland became the world's most peaceful country for the 15th consecutive time in the Global Peace Index

Iceland became the world's most peaceful country for the 15th consecutive time in the Global Peace Index

 The 17th 'Global Peace Index' of the Institute for Economics and Peace has been released. It is a study of 163 independent countries and territories around the world, covering approximately 99.7% of the world's total population.
 The GPI evaluates a total of 23 indicators to compile this list. These can be sorted into three distinct categories: the level of social security and safety, militarization and security, and domestic and international conflict. The leading countries are Japan 9th, Finland 13th, Bhutan 17th, UK 37th, Nepal 79th, China 80th, US 131st, and Russia 158th.


 India is the 126th most peaceful nation in the 2023 GPI with a score of 2.314. There has been an increase of 2 places as compared to last year. Overall there has been an improvement of 3.5 percent. India has got 5th position among total of 7 South Asian countries. Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh are ahead of India.

 Most peaceful country

1. Iceland - 1.124
2. Denmark - 1.31
3. Ireland - 1.312
4. New Zealand - 1.313

 Most troubled country

163. Afghanistan - 3.448
162. Yemen - 3.35
161. Syria - 3.294
160. South Sudan - 3.221


 A decline of 0.42 percent has been recorded in the 2023 Global Peace Index. The global economic impact of violence in 2022 was $17.5 trillion, equivalent to 12.9 percent of global GDP, or $2,200 per capita.

 The largest improvement in peace was recorded in Libya this year, improving the overall score of the 2023 GPI by 7.1 percent. Libya now ranks 137th on the GPI.

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