Bihar started the 'Gandak-Ganga River Link Scheme'

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Bihar started the 'Gandak-Ganga River Link Scheme'


 On June 2023, Bihar's Water Resources Minister Sanjay Kumar Jha said that the 'Gandak-Ganga River Link Scheme' to be started on the instructions of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar would prove to be a boon for the state's districts Gopalganj, Siwan, and Saran.

 In this scheme, a total of 170 km from the Gandak River near Hirapakad in the Gopalganj district to the Ganga River near Haispur in the Saran district. A long link channel will be constructed.
 Also 139.59 km of Saran embankment. But floodproof sluice with 4 ports will be constructed as per the prescribed design. The estimated cost of the scheme is Rs 69.89 crore.
 This will prove to be an important scheme in these areas from the point of view of improvement in groundwater level and environmental balance. If a high dam is built in Nepal, then most of the area of Kosi, Kamla, Bagmati, and Gandak rivers in Bihar will become flood free.

Gandak River

 Irrigation capacity has been increased by increasing the number of canals coming out of the Valmiki Nagar barrage of the Gandak river in the West Champaran district of the state. It may be known that the maximum discharge capacity of Valmiki Nagar barrage is about 8.50 lakh cusecs, the maximum discharge from this barrage so far was about 6 lahks 19 thousand 750 cusecs on 31 July 2003.

 This barrage was constructed in 1967-68. Its length is about 739 meters. Half of it is in Nepal. It has 52 gates, 18 physical routes, 12 sluices, 8 river sluices, and 18 main regulatory gates.

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