India ranked 67th in WEF's Energy Transition Index

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India ranked 67th in WEF's Energy Transition Index

India ranked 67th in WEF's Energy Transition Index

 India has jumped 20 places to rank 67th among 120 countries in the 'Energy Transition Index' (ETI), with significant improvements in key parameters of energy equity and security and environmental sustainability, according to a report released by the World Economic Forum on June 28, 2023. . In 2021, India was ranked 87 out of 115 countries.
 The report, developed in collaboration with Accenture, highlights India's key reforms in achieving a safe and sustainable energy transition, reducing energy and carbon intensity, increasing renewable energy deployment, and achieving universal access to electricity.
 The report said that ETI scores declined in nearly 50 percent of countries last year, adversely affecting vulnerable consumers, small businesses, and developing economies.

 Key facts

 The list of 120 countries is topped by Sweden followed by Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Switzerland in the top five. France (7) was the only G20 country in the top 10, followed by Germany (11), the United States (12), and the UK (13).
 The WEF said that 113 out of 120 countries have made progress in the last decade, but only 55, including India, have improved their scores by more than 10 percent.

 According to the report titled 'Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2023', India and Singapore are the only major economies showing the pace of transition by advancing sustainability, energy security, and equity in a balanced manner.

 World Economic Forum

 It is a Swiss non-profit foundation established in 1971, based in Geneva, Switzerland. Major reports published by WEF: Global Competitiveness Report, Global IT Report, Global Gender Gap Report, Global Risks Report, Global Travel and Tourism Report.

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