Are spiders insects?

2 minute read
Are spiders insects ?

A spider is different than an insect. It has eight legs instead of six and a body in two parts instead of an insect’s three. Spiders are related to scorpions, ticks, and mites. Together, they form a group called the arachnids. 

The body of a spider has two parts. One part is made from a head and thorax joined together. The other part is called the abdomen.
Most spiders have four pairs of eyes. They are spread around the top of their head so they can see danger from all sides.

Spiders have eight jointed legs—four on each side. The hairs on their legs act like ears, picking up tiny movements in the air.
Insect vs spider 

The main differences between insects and spiders are body segments, legs, and wings. 
Why do spiders make silk?
Female spiders make a silk bed and lay several hundred eggs in it. They wrap it in a silk ball and hang it somewhere safe. 

To make webs
Spiders release silk to make sticky webs and nets to catch their food. They wrap trapped insects in silk and eat them later. 

True or false? 
1. Some types of spiders have wings.
2. All spiders can make silk.
3. Spiders and insects both have a protective outer shell called an exoskeleton.

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