Where is the world's largest temple Angkor Wat?

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Where is the world's largest temple Angkor Wat ?

Angkor Wat, the world's largest temple, is in the city of Angkor in north-western Cambodia. It was built by Khmer King Suryavarman II in the early twelfth century. The reign of Suryavarman II lasted from 1113 to 1150 AD. The length of this temple is 1550 meters (1700 yards) and width is 1400 meters (1500 yards). The way to enter the temple is from the west. There is a beautiful road till its door. When this temple was built, it had nine minarets. Five minarets still exist today. Suryavarman had built this temple so that after his death his ashes can be kept in this temple as a memorial.
There are many beautiful platforms in the courtyard of the temple. The stairs made in the temple are very attractive. It also has many artificially made caves. The sculptures made by carving the stones are very interesting. These idols are mostly taken from Hindu religious texts, but there are some which are related to the splendor of Suryavarman. There are many pictures of Apsaras of heaven in the temple. These Apsaras are shown in different postures. Due to all these reasons, four moons have been added to the beauty of the temple.
Apart from this temple, there are many other temples in Cambodia, which were built by the Khmer kings only. All these kings considered themselves very great. People worshiped him like a god. All the temples were built by them to show their splendor and highness, these samples of art were very much the beauty of that time. Display in an interesting way.

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