Italian Prime Minister invites India for the G7 summit in 2024

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Indian Prime Minister Invited to G7 Summit in Italy for 2024

Invitation from Italian Prime Minister

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has extended an invitation to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to attend the Group of Seven (G7) Outreach Session scheduled to take place in Borgo Egnazia, Apulia, Italy, from 13 to 15 June 2024. This invitation marks an important step in international diplomacy and reflects India's growing influence on the global stage.

Italy holds the presidency of the 50th G7 Summit in 2024, following Japan, which held the presidency in 2023. The G7 Summit brings together the leaders of seven major industrialized democracies to discuss key global issues, fostering cooperation among nations.

Italian Prime Minister invites India for the G7 summit in 2024
Italian Prime Minister invites India for the G7 summit in 2024

Details of the G7 Summit and India's Participation

The G7 Outreach Session is a unique opportunity for non-member countries and international organizations to engage with G7 members. The host country has the prerogative to invite significant non-members to participate in the annual summit meeting, and these sessions are designed to facilitate dialogue and collaboration on global challenges.

Prime Minister Meloni personally extended the invitation to Prime Minister Modi. This occurred during Italy's celebration of Liberation Day on 25 April, which commemorates the country's liberation from Nazi occupation and the end of fascist rule. The invitation underscores the importance of India's role in international discussions and acknowledges India's contributions to global matters.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has previously attended G7 Outreach Sessions, including those in 2019, 2021, 2022, and 2023. The 2020 G7 Summit, which was to be hosted by the United States, was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

History of the G7 Group

The G7 is an informal grouping of seven of the world's most industrialized democracies. It does not have a permanent secretariat, and its origins trace back to 1973 when France initiated discussions about the crisis caused by a sudden increase in crude petroleum prices by Arab countries. The original members of the G7 were France, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, and Italy. Canada joined in 1976, making it the G7.

The group became the G8 with the addition of Russia in 1997, but Russia was expelled in 2014 following its annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region. Since then, the group has reverted to its original composition as the G7.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi's invitation to the G7 Summit in Italy for 2024 signifies India's growing role in international diplomacy and global discussions. The G7 Outreach Session offers a platform for India to engage with leading industrialized democracies on critical issues and collaborate on solutions to global challenges. As the summit approaches, India's participation will be closely watched, and the outcomes of the discussions are expected to have a significant impact on international relations and cooperation.

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