Fierce explosion in Mount Ibu volcano in Indonesia

Fierce explosion in Mount Ibu
volcano in Indonesia
 A fierce explosion occurred on 18
May 2024 at Mount Ibu, a volcano
active in Halmahera Island in East
Indonesia, causing 4 km (2.5 mi)
high ash spread, with purple power
stripes around its crater.
 Abdul Mohri of the Disaster
Reduction Agency said in a
statement, a joint team of police,
army and search and rescue
officers was sent to the area to
evacuate the residents of the
surrounding villages.
 Earlier this month, Indonesia's
volcanic science agency increased
the volcanic warning level to the
highest level after Ibu exploded
several times. Ibu activities occur
after a series of explosions of
various volcanoes in Indonesia,
located on the Pacific "Ring of Fire"
and has 127 active volcanoes.
 One of the most active Mount
Marappi in the West Sumatra
province, sudden flood and cold
lava flow engulfed several nearby
districts after torrential rains on 11
May, killing more than 60 people.
 In recent weeks, the Ruang volcano
of North Sulawesi has also
exploded, causing the hot lava to
spill. The explosion was forced to
evacuate more than 12,000 people
on a nearby island.
 Ring of fire
 It is also called the Pacific Rim or
Circum-Pacific belt, an area located
with the Pacific Ocean, where most
active volcanoes and earthquakes
are recorded.
 75% of the Earth's volcanoes i.e.
more than 450 volcanoes are
located on the edge of the ring of
fire. Earth's 90% of earthquakes fall
into the region, including the most
violent and dramatic seismic
incidents of the Earth.
 Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Costa
Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, United
States, Canada, Russia, Japan,
Philippines, Australia, Papua New
Guinea, Indonesia, New Zealand
and Antarctica are some important
places located in the Ring of Fire.

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