Bengaluru firm unveils first indigenous bomber unmanned aircraft ‘FWD-200B’


Bengaluru Firm Unveils India's First Indigenous Bomber Unmanned Aircraft 'FWD-200B'

Flying Wedge Defence, a Bengaluru-based defense and aerospace technology firm, has announced the unveiling of its latest innovation, the FWD-200B—India's first indigenous bomber unmanned aircraft. This breakthrough represents a significant step forward for India's defense sector, demonstrating the country's growing capability in developing cost-effective and advanced unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Bengaluru firm unveils first indigenous bomber unmanned aircraft ‘FWD-200B’
Bengaluru firm unveils first  indigenous bomber unmanned  aircraft ‘FWD-200B’

State-of-the-Art Technology at a Fraction of the Cost

The FWD-200B is designed with the latest technology and entirely manufactured in India. It comes with a price tag of just ₹25 crore, which is significantly lower than the estimated ₹250 crore cost of the U.S.-made Predator drone. According to Suhas Tejaskanda, Founder of Flying Wedge Defence & Aerospace, this cost-effective approach is central to the company's mission to promote self-reliance and position India as a leader in budget-friendly defense solutions.

Capabilities and Specifications of the FWD-200B

The FWD-200B is classified as a MALE unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV), standing for Medium-Altitude, Long-Endurance. It has a payload capacity of 100 kg and is capable of carrying a variety of weapons, including missiles for precision airstrikes. The drone is also equipped with advanced optical surveillance systems, allowing it to perform reconnaissance and intelligence-gathering operations with ease.

With a top speed of 200 km/h to 370 km/h and an endurance ranging from 12 to 20 hours, the FWD-200B offers a versatile platform for multiple mission profiles. It has a maximum take-off weight of 498 kg and a ground control station (GCS) range of 200 kilometres, providing significant operational flexibility for defense forces.

A Cost-Effective Solution for Global Markets

Flying Wedge Defence has ambitions that go beyond India's borders. The company is targeting countries in Africa and South East Asia, which may not have the budget to invest in the expensive $32 billion Predator UAV but could find value in the $3 billion Indian product. By offering a cost-effective alternative, the FWD-200B has the potential to attract a diverse customer base, allowing countries with smaller defense budgets to access cutting-edge UAV technology.

The Future of Indigenous Defense Innovation

The unveiling of the FWD-200B is a testament to India's progress in developing indigenous defense technology. It underscores the importance of self-reliance in the defense sector and showcases the country's ability to produce high-quality, affordable solutions. As Flying Wedge Defence continues to innovate and expand its reach, the FWD-200B could pave the way for more breakthroughs in the field of unmanned aerial systems.

In summary, the FWD-200B unmanned aircraft represents a significant achievement for India and could become a key component in the country's defense arsenal. With its advanced technology, cost-effective production, and versatile capabilities, this bomber UAV is set to make a considerable impact in both the domestic and international defense markets.

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