According to IQAir, Kathmandu is the most polluted city in the world

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Kathmandu Tops IQAir's List as Most Polluted City in the World

Air Pollution in Kathmandu: A Growing Crisis

According to a report by IQAir, an organization that measures real-time pollution in 101 cities across the world, Kathmandu has become the most polluted city in the world. This alarming designation reflects a significant environmental and public health crisis in Nepal's capital city. The consequences of air pollution are far-reaching, with a notable impact on the average life expectancy of Nepalese residents, which has decreased by 4.1 percent due to poor air quality.

Kathmandu's air quality issues have placed it at the top of the most polluted cities list, ahead of other heavily polluted cities like New Delhi in India, Chiang Mai in Thailand, Hanoi in Vietnam, Bangkok in Thailand, and Dhaka in Bangladesh.

According to IQAir,  Kathmandu is the most  polluted city in the world
According to IQAir,  Kathmandu is the most  polluted city in the world

Real-Time Pollution Rankings and Global Impact

IQAir's live ratings show that Kathmandu's air quality consistently ranks among the worst in the world. The live rating for the most polluted cities includes:

  • Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • New Delhi, India
  • Kolkata, India
  • Sao Paulo, Brazil

Conversely, the live rating for the cleanest cities includes:

  • Istanbul, Turkey
  • Auckland, New Zealand
  • Sydney, Australia
  • Canberra, Australia

These rankings underscore the stark contrast between heavily polluted cities and those with cleaner air, highlighting the critical need for air quality improvement measures in affected regions.

Government Response and Public Health Concerns

The Ministry of Health and Population in Nepal has urged people in the Kathmandu Valley to wear masks due to increasing air pollution. The ministry has also advised residents to avoid unnecessary outdoor activities during the day, especially in the Terai region where heatwaves are common during summer. Staying hydrated and consuming more liquid food is recommended to mitigate the effects of pollution and heat.

Air pollution affects various parts of the body, including the heart, blood vessels, lungs, brain, eyes, nose, ears, and throat. It also increases the risk of asthma, cancer, and other diseases. Annual deaths due to air pollution in Nepal predominantly involve children under five, pregnant women, chronically ill individuals, and the elderly.

Addressing the Air Pollution Crisis in Kathmandu

The severe air pollution in Kathmandu requires immediate and sustained efforts to address the underlying causes and protect public health. Solutions may include reducing emissions from vehicles and industries, enhancing green spaces, improving waste management, and promoting cleaner energy sources.

The growing crisis in Kathmandu highlights the broader global challenge of air pollution and its impact on health and the environment. As cities around the world grapple with similar issues, international collaboration and knowledge sharing will be key to developing effective strategies for reducing pollution and improving air quality.

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