'Ungalai Thedi, Ungal Oril' scheme started in Tamil Nadu

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'Ungalai Thedi, Ungal Oril': Tamil Nadu's Innovative Governance Scheme Unveiled

In a visionary move to enhance governance and foster citizen-centric services, the Tamil Nadu government has introduced the 'Ungalai Thedi, Ungal Oril' scheme. This initiative, announced by Chief Minister MK Stalin last year, aims to improve service delivery, expedite the implementation of schemes, and establish direct engagement with the public.

'Ungalai Thedi, Ungal Oril' scheme started in Tamil Nadu
'Ungalai Thedi, Ungal Oril' scheme started in Tamil Nadu

Guiding Principles of the Scheme

The recently released guidelines for the 'Ungalai Thedi, Ungal Oril' scheme outline a structured approach to governance. According to the directives, collectors and senior district-level officials will dedicate 24 hours on the fourth Wednesday of every month to spend time in a taluk. This dedicated time will be utilized to review project functioning, inspect infrastructure, and actively engage with the public by receiving representations.

Groundbreaking Taluk Visits

The inaugural visit under the scheme occurred on January 31, 2024, as officials inspected primary health centers, ration shops, cooperative societies, schools, and government offices across various districts. The taluk tour provides a firsthand understanding of the ground reality and ensures that officials are directly connected with the challenges faced by the public.

Comprehensive Public Involvement

A week before the scheduled taluk visit, officials from various departments embark on a mission to gather public representations from all the firkas in the particular taluk. This proactive approach ensures that the concerns and needs of the citizens are accurately represented and addressed during the taluk visit.

Holistic Inspection and Review

During the taluk tour, the Collector and other officials conduct thorough inspections of facilities, bus stands, public toilets managed by the Social Welfare Department, and various villages. They also review the basic civic amenities and assess the implementation of the Chief Minister Breakfast Scheme, emphasizing a comprehensive evaluation of governance initiatives.

Equitable Coverage and Public Awareness

Collectors are tasked with creating an annual calendar to ensure equal coverage of all taluks within their districts. Adequate publicity has been given to the scheme to maximize public participation, providing citizens with an opportunity to express their grievances and concerns directly.

Empowering Governance Through Direct Engagement

The 'Ungalai Thedi, Ungal Oril' scheme signifies a transformative approach to governance, emphasizing direct engagement with the public. By dedicating focused time to taluk visits, officials gain valuable insights into the challenges faced by citizens and can tailor governance strategies accordingly.

As Tamil Nadu pioneers this innovative governance model, the 'Ungalai Thedi, Ungal Oril' scheme serves as a beacon for other regions, showcasing the potential of proactive, citizen-centric governance.

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