Microsoft becomes the second company to reach $3 trillion market value

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Microsoft Surpasses $3 Trillion Valuation, Coming Second Only to Apple


In a monumental achievement, the software giant Microsoft reached an evaluation of $3tn (€2.7tn), thereby entering the elite club composed of corporations with such an overwhelming market capitalization. It is the second firm after Apple to go beyond the $3tn ceiling and this underlines its ongoing tech industry dominion.

Microsoft becomes the  second company to reach $3  trillion market value
Microsoft becomes the  second company to reach $3  trillion market value

Microsoft Becomes Second Company to Cross $3 Trillion Market Value

Leadership in AI Boom

The journey that has culminated into this unprecedented valuation for Microsoft is attributed to the strategic leadership of its CEO Satya Nadella. Under Nadella’s watch, Microsoft has completely benefited from artificial intelligence boom. Notably, on its release in November 2022 Microsoft’s stock has gone up by more than 60% following the launch of an AI chatbot ChatGPT which contributed significantly to this success.

Superb Seven and Artificial Intelligence Investments

One among 'Magnificent Seven' technology companies influencing US stock indices’ increase, MSFT also proved itself as a loyal devotee of artificial intelligence policies. This company dedicated a significant amount of money last year – $10 billion (€9.2 billion) – solely for various projects connected with AI seeking to be at the forefront of them all.This strategic move was pivotal in allowing

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