Universal Health Coverage Day 2023 observed on 12th December

4 minute read

Universal Health Coverage Day 2023: Advocating Health for All

Explore the significance of Universal Health Coverage Day observed on December 12th annually. Learn about the global push for quality health services, financial security, and the theme for UHC Day 2023 – “Health for All: Time for Action.”


Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day, commemorated on December 12th each year, underscores the universal right to quality health services and financial security. Despite progress, a substantial portion of the global population lacks access to essential health services, with about 25% facing financial hardships due to out-of-pocket expenses. This article delves into the key aspects of UHC Day 2023 and its theme, “Health for All: Time for Action.”

Universal Health Coverage Day 2023 observed on 12th December
Universal Health Coverage Day 2023 observed on 12th December

Universal Health Coverage Day: A Global Initiative

Current Scenario

Half of the world's population still grapples with inadequate access to essential health services, highlighting the ongoing challenges in achieving universal health coverage. UHC Day serves as a poignant reminder of the work yet to be done to ensure health services for all.

Financial Hardship

About 25% of individuals experience financial hardship due to out-of-pocket health expenses, emphasizing the need for comprehensive health coverage to alleviate economic burdens on individuals and families.

Theme: “Health for All: Time for Action”

UHC Day 2023's theme, "Health for All: Time for Action," calls for collective efforts to address existing health disparities and accelerate progress towards universal health coverage globally.

Historical Perspective

United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution

On December 12, 2012, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously endorsed a resolution urging countries to expedite progress towards universal health coverage. This significant step marked the beginning of the global recognition of UHC Day.

International Universal Health Coverage Day

In 2017, the UNGA, through a resolution, officially declared December 12th as International Universal Health Coverage Day (UHC Day), cementing its status as a UN-designated day.

International Day of Neutrality

Significance of Neutrality

Celebrated annually on December 12th, the International Day of Neutrality plays a vital role in promoting global peace, sovereignty, and conflict resolution through diplomatic means. Neutrality, as defined by the United Nations, involves refraining from participating in wars between other states.

Legal Status

Neutrality is recognized as a legal status resulting from a nation's decision to abstain from engaging in wars between other states. It entails maintaining an impartial attitude, fostering peace, and refraining from taking sides in conflicts.

United Nations General Assembly Resolution

On February 2, 2017, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 71/275, introduced by Turkmenistan, a permanently neutral state since December 12, 1995. The resolution calls for peace, emphasizing the connection between conservation and the 2030 Agenda.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What is Universal Health Coverage Day? A: Universal Health Coverage Day, observed on December 12th annually, advocates for the universal right to quality health services and financial security.

Q: What is the theme for UHC Day 2023? A: The theme for UHC Day 2023 is “Health for All: Time for Action,” emphasizing the need for collective efforts towards universal health coverage.

Q: Why is neutrality important on the International Day of Neutrality? A: Neutrality, defined by the UN, promotes global peace, sovereignty, and conflict resolution through diplomatic means, fostering an impartial attitude in conflicts.

Q: When was the International Day of Neutrality officially recognized? A: The United Nations General Assembly officially recognized December 12th as the International Day of Neutrality on February 2, 2017.


Universal Health Coverage Day and the International Day of Neutrality, both observed on December 12th, signify global efforts towards health for all and the promotion of peace through diplomatic means. These days serve as crucial reminders of the ongoing commitment to achieving universal health coverage and fostering a peaceful world.

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