Central Ayurveda Research Council launches ‘AGNI Initiative’ for Ayurveda practitioners

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Central Ayurveda Research Council Launches ‘AGNI Initiative’ for Ayurveda Practitioners

The Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) initiates the 'Ayurveda Gyan Naipunya Initiative' (AGNI) to promote evidence-based Ayurveda practices. Learn about the objectives, impact, and how this initiative creates a platform for Ayurvedic physicians to share their innovative methods.


The Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), under the Ministry of AYUSH, has unveiled the 'Ayurveda Gyan Naipunya Initiative' (AGNI) in New Delhi on November 22, 2023. This groundbreaking initiative aims to foster research in Ayurveda, emphasizing scientific validation and evidence-based evaluation.

The Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) initiates the 'Ayurveda Gyan Naipunya Initiative' (AGNI) to promote evidence-based Ayurveda practices. Learn about the objectives, impact, and how this initiative creates a platform for Ayurvedic physicians to share their innovative methods
Central Ayurveda Research Council launches ‘AGNI Initiative’ for Ayurveda practitioners

Ayurveda Gyan Naipunya Initiative (AGNI)

Objectives of AGNI

The primary goal of AGNI is to promote research that integrates practical Ayurveda practices into mainstream healthcare. Through scientific validation and evidence-based evaluation, the initiative aims to provide a robust foundation for the broader acceptance of Ayurveda.

Documentation and Publication

CCRAS will play a pivotal role in documenting and publishing reported medical practices and therapeutic regimens. This wealth of information will serve educational purposes, allowing Ayurveda practitioners to access and implement evidence-based practices in their clinical approaches.

Impact on Ayurvedic Physicians

Platform for Experience Sharing

Director General of Central Ayurvedic Research Council, Professor Ravi Narayanan Acharya, highlighted the significance of AGNI as a platform for Ayurvedic physicians. It offers a space for practitioners to disseminate their experiences and innovative diagnostic methods for various diseases.

Cultivating Evidence-Based Practices

AGNI aims to cultivate a culture of evidence-based practice reporting among Ayurveda practitioners. With over 500,000 registered Ayurveda practitioners primarily in India, this initiative has the potential to significantly impact the standard of care in Ayurveda.

CCRAS's Commitment to Ayurvedic Research

Apex Research Organization

CCRAS, as an apex research organization under the Ministry of AYUSH, is committed to undertaking, coordinating, constructing, developing, and propagating scientifically based research in Ayurveda. The AGNI Initiative adds another dimension to CCRAS's efforts to elevate Ayurvedic research.

Recent Initiatives

In recent times, CCRAS has undertaken various initiatives to promote scientific research in Ayurveda. These include the Scholarship Program for Ayurveda Research Can (SPARC) for graduate scholars, Training Scheme in Ayurveda Research for PG scholars (PG-STAR), and the Teaching Professionals (SMART) program for teachers.


The launch of the 'Ayurveda Gyan Naipunya Initiative' (AGNI) marks a significant step toward integrating evidence-based practices in Ayurveda. As Ayurveda gains global recognition, initiatives like AGNI play a crucial role in ensuring its practices are grounded in scientific validation, contributing to the overall growth and acceptance of Ayurveda in contemporary healthcare.

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