Tamil writer Sivashankari received 'Saraswati Samman 2022'

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Tamil Writer Sivashankari: A Literary Luminary's Triumph with Saraswati Samman 2022

In 2022, the literary world celebrated the remarkable achievement of Tamil writer Smt. Sivashankari, who was bestowed with the prestigious 'Saraswati Samman' for her autobiography, "Surya Vamsam." This remarkable recognition was presented to her by the K.K. Birla Foundation, with former Union Minister M. Veerappa Moyli doing the honors. Accompanied by a citation, a plaque, and a cash award of Rs 15 lakh, this accolade marked a significant milestone in Smt. Sivashankari's illustrious literary career.

In 2022, the literary world celebrated the remarkable achievement of Tamil writer Smt. Sivashankari, who was bestowed with the prestigious 'Saraswati Samman' for her autobiography, "Surya Vamsam." This remarkable recognition was presented to her by the K.K. Birla Foundation, with former Union Minister M. Veerappa Moyli doing the honors. Accompanied by a citation, a plaque, and a cash award of Rs 15 lakh, this accolade marked a significant milestone in Smt. Sivashankari's illustrious literary career.
Tamil writer Sivashankari received 'Saraswati Samman 2022'

Exploring the Saraswati Samman

The 'Saraswati Samman' is one of India's most revered literary awards, presented annually to recognize outstanding literary works by Indian citizens. To be eligible, the literary work must have been published in the last 10 years and written in any language listed in Schedule VIII of the Indian Constitution. With 32 awards given to date, the 'Saraswati Samman' is a testament to the rich tapestry of Indian literature.

The Masterpiece: Surya Vamsam

Surya Vamsam, the autobiography that earned Smt. Sivashankari this esteemed accolade, offers readers an insightful glimpse into the life of an innocent child who would later evolve into an acclaimed writer. The book beautifully reflects the social transformations that have unfolded over the last seven decades, making it a compelling narrative.

A Literary Journey

Born in 1942, Ms. Shivshankari's literary career has spanned over five decades. Her extensive repertoire includes 36 novellas, 48 novellas, 150 short stories, five travelogues, seven collections of essays, and three autobiographies. Additionally, she has curated two collections of Tamil short stories. Her versatility as a writer shines through as her works have been translated into Indian languages, English, Japanese, and even Ukrainian, showcasing her ability to connect with a global audience.

Knit India Through Literature

One of Ms. Shivshankari's most significant contributions to Indian literature is her four-volume work, "Knit India Through Literature." This compilation serves as a comprehensive repository of Indian literary gems, enriching the literary landscape of the nation. The depth of her research and her passion for preserving Indian literature make this collection a true literary treasure.

Smt. Sivashankari: A Global Literary Ambassador

Smt. Sivashankari's remarkable journey as a writer has not only enriched Indian literature but has also resonated with audiences across the globe. Her ability to transcend linguistic boundaries and cultural differences underscores her literary versatility. Her works, both in Tamil and translated into various languages, continue to inspire and captivate readers worldwide.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Smt. Sivashankari?

Smt. Sivashankari is a renowned Tamil writer who received the 'Saraswati Samman' in 2022 for her autobiography, "Surya Vamsam."

What is the 'Saraswati Samman'?

The 'Saraswati Samman' is a prestigious literary award presented annually for outstanding literary works by Indian citizens published in the last 10 years in languages listed in Schedule VIII of the Indian Constitution.

What is the book "Surya Vamsam" about?

"Surya Vamsam" is an autobiography that offers a glimpse into the life of Smt. Sivashankari, exploring her journey from an innocent child to an acclaimed writer. The book also delves into the social changes of the last seven decades.

How extensive is Smt. Sivashankari's literary career?

Smt. Sivashankari's literary career spans over five decades and includes 36 novellas, 48 novellas, 150 short stories, five travelogues, seven collections of essays, and three autobiographies. She has also curated two collections of Tamil short stories.

In how many languages has Smt. Sivashankari's work been translated?

Smt. Sivashankari's work has been translated into Indian languages, English, Japanese, and Ukrainian, demonstrating her ability to connect with a global audience.

What is "Knit India Through Literature"?

"Knit India Through Literature" is a four-volume work by Smt. Sivashankari, serving as a comprehensive compilation of Indian literature, enriching the literary landscape of the country.


Smt. Sivashankari's journey as a Tamil writer and her recognition with the 'Saraswati Samman 2022' stand as a testament to her literary prowess and the lasting impact of her work. Her ability to weave captivating narratives and her commitment to preserving Indian literature make her an iconic figure in the world of letters. As readers, we are fortunate to have her literary gems enriching our lives, and her influence continues to resonate across borders.

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