Jammu and Kashmir's popular Dogra dish 'Kalari' gets GI tag

5 minute read
Discover the story behind Jammu and Kashmir's popular Dogra dish 'Kalari' receiving the coveted Geographical Indication (GI) tag. Explore its rich culinary heritage, how it's made, and its significance. 

Jammu and Kashmir's Popular Dogra Dish 'Kalari' Gets GI Tag

In the picturesque Udhampur district of Jammu and Kashmir, a culinary gem has received the prestigious Geographical Indication (GI) tag – 'Kalari.' This semi-soft cheese, crafted from cow or buffalo milk using age-old techniques, holds a special place among the ethnic Dogras. In this article, we delve into the fascinating journey of Kalari, its culinary significance, and the recent recognition it has received.

Discover the story behind Jammu and Kashmir's popular Dogra dish 'Kalari' receiving the coveted Geographical Indication (GI) tag. Explore its rich culinary heritage, how it's made, and its significance.
Jammu and Kashmir's popular Dogra dish 'Kalari' gets GI tag


'Kalari,' a cheese with a legacy, hails from the heart of Jammu and Kashmir. Its journey from being a local delicacy to receiving a GI tag is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the region.

The Origin of Kalari

Kalari finds its roots in the Udhampur district, where it has been cherished for generations. Known for its distinctive flavor and texture, this cheese has been a culinary staple for the Dogra community.

Crafting Kalari

The process of making Kalari is a labor of love. The cheese is meticulously prepared from cow or buffalo milk, following time-honored methods. This ensures that every bite encapsulates the essence of the region's culinary traditions.

Culinary Versatility

Kalari Paneer, a derivative of Kalari cheese, is used in an array of dishes in Kashmir. From delectable street food to innovative creations like Kalari Tikki and Kalari Paneer Kebab, it has made its mark in the culinary landscape.

The Unique Characteristics of Kalari

A Thick Cheese

Kalari is distinctively thick and has a robust flavor profile. It is traditionally cooked in its own fat and served hot with slices of bun, creating a mouthwatering experience.

International Recognition

The appeal of Kalari extends beyond the region's borders. Recently, G20 delegates had the pleasure of savoring this delightful dish in Srinagar, further elevating its status on the global culinary stage.

The GI Tag Journey

GI Mahotsav in Srinagar

During the week-long 'GI Mahotsav' held at Kashmir Haat in Srinagar, the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, Mr. Sinha, made a significant announcement. He stated that several local products, including Kalari, would be granted the coveted Geographical Indication (GI) tag.

FAQs about Kalari and the GI Tag

Q: What is the significance of the GI tag for Kalari?

 The GI tag acknowledges Kalari as a unique product from a specific geographical area, ensuring its authenticity and preventing imitations. It also boosts its market value.

Q: Can you describe the taste of Kalari?

 Kalari has a rich, creamy flavor with a slightly salty note. Its unique texture and taste make it a favorite among food enthusiasts.

Q: How is Kalari traditionally served?

 Kalari is cooked in its own fat and served hot with bun slices. This method of preparation enhances its flavors.

Q: What are some popular dishes made with Kalari Paneer?

 Kalari Paneer is used in various dishes, including street food items and innovative creations like Kalari Tikki and Kalari Paneer Kebab.

Q: Why is the GI tag important for local products like Kalari?

 The GI tag not only protects the authenticity of regional products but also promotes their unique characteristics and boosts their marketability.

Q: Where can I find Kalari cheese?

 Kalari cheese is predominantly available in the Udhampur district of Jammu and Kashmir. It can also be found in select specialty stores in the region.


The journey of Kalari, from being a beloved local delicacy to receiving the prestigious Geographical Indication (GI) tag, is a testament to the rich culinary heritage of Jammu and Kashmir. This recognition not only celebrates the uniqueness of Kalari but also highlights the importance of preserving and promoting regional culinary traditions.

Explore the flavors of Kalari and experience the cultural richness of Jammu and Kashmir through this exceptional cheese. Don't miss the opportunity to savor this culinary gem on your next visit to the region.


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