The Central Government will celebrate the sixth National Nutrition Month in the month of ‘September’

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The Central Government's Celebration of the Sixth National Nutrition Month in September 2023

 The Central Government will celebrate the sixth National Nutrition Month in September 2023, focusing on eradicating malnutrition throughout the life cycle. Learn how this initiative is making a difference in India's nutrition landscape.


The Central Government of India is gearing up to celebrate the sixth National Nutrition Month in the month of September 2023. This annual event holds paramount importance as it aims to address one of the most critical issues facing the nation—malnutrition. With a renewed focus on comprehensive strategies, outreach programs, and awareness campaigns, this year's National Nutrition Month promises to be a game-changer in improving the nutritional well-being of the Indian population.

The Central Government will celebrate the sixth National Nutrition Month in September 2023, focusing on eradicating malnutrition throughout the life cycle. Learn how this initiative is making a difference in India's nutrition landscape.
The Central Government will celebrate the sixth National Nutrition Month in the month of ‘September’

The Central Government's Commitment to Nutrition

The sixth National Nutrition Month, commencing on 1st September 2023, will be observed throughout the month. At the heart of this initiative lies the Poshan Abhiyaan, a flagship program launched by the Central Government. This program has played a pivotal role in bolstering the supply of nutritious food to specific demographic groups, including pregnant women, lactating mothers, adolescent girls, and children under six years of age.

Tackling Malnutrition Across the Life Cycle

The Ministry of Women and Child Development has underlined that the primary focus of this year's National Nutrition Month is to combat malnutrition across the entire life cycle. From pregnancy to infancy, childhood, and adolescence, the government aims to create awareness about the significance of nutrition in every stage of life.

The Sixth National Nutrition Month

This year's National Nutrition Month is themed as "Suposhit Bharat, Saakshar Bharat, Sashakt Bharat," which translates to "Nutrition-rich India, Educated India, Empowered India." This theme encapsulates the holistic approach that the government plans to adopt in promoting nutritional understanding across the nation.

Holistic Awareness Campaigns

To achieve the objectives set forth in the theme, the government will conduct a series of outreach programs, identification drives, camps, and home visits. These initiatives will be organized at the village, block, and district levels, engaging various segments of the community. The goal is to disseminate knowledge about holistic nutrition practices and their far-reaching benefits.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What is National Nutrition Month?

National Nutrition Month is an annual initiative undertaken by the Central Government of India to raise awareness about the importance of nutrition and combat malnutrition throughout the nation.

Q: When does the sixth National Nutrition Month start?

The sixth National Nutrition Month commenced on 1st September 2023.

Q: Who is the target audience of Poshan Abhiyaan?

Poshan Abhiyaan primarily targets pregnant women, lactating mothers, adolescent girls, and children under six years of age.

Q: What is the theme of this year's National Nutrition Month?

This year's theme is "Suposhit Bharat, Saakshar Bharat, Sashakt Bharat," which translates to "Nutrition-rich India, Educated India, Empowered India."

Q: How will the government spread awareness during National Nutrition Month?

The government plans to conduct outreach programs, identification drives, camps, and home visits at various community levels to disseminate knowledge about holistic nutrition practices.

Q: Why is malnutrition a concern throughout the life cycle?

Malnutrition can have long-lasting effects on physical and mental health. Addressing it across the entire life cycle is crucial for the well-being of individuals and the nation as a whole.


The Central Government's commitment to celebrating the sixth National Nutrition Month in September 2023 is a testament to its dedication to eradicating malnutrition. Through Poshan Abhiyaan and a theme centered on holistic nutrition, India is taking significant strides towards becoming a nutrition-rich, educated, and empowered nation. As outreach programs and awareness campaigns unfold, the impact of this initiative will undoubtedly be felt across the length and breadth of the country.


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