Administrative Reforms and Public Grievance Department released the 5th 'National E-Governance Services

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Administrative Reforms and Public Grievance Department Releases 5th 'National E-Governance Services' Report

In today's rapidly advancing digital landscape, the role of government agencies in providing efficient and accessible public services has become paramount. The Administrative Reforms and Public Grievance Department (DARPG) has taken a significant step in this direction with the release of the fifth edition of the 'National E-Governance Services Distribution Assessment (NESDA)-Further Monthly Report for States/Union Territories'. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the status of e-service distribution across various sectors and highlights the best practices adopted by different states and union territories.

Administrative Reforms and Public Grievance Department released the 5th 'National E-Governance Services
Administrative Reforms and Public Grievance Department released the 5th 'National E-Governance Services

A Glimpse into the July 2023 Monthly Report

The latest monthly report, dated July 2023, sheds light on the current landscape of e-services, particularly focusing on the education sector. It delves into the status of e-services and compulsory e-services (as defined by NESDA 2021), offering insights into the level of accessibility and efficiency across states and union territories.

Highlights of the Report

The report commences by presenting the saturation level of e-services delivered through the single integrated service distribution portal of each state/union territory. Additionally, it offers a detailed analysis of e-services provided under the education sector, highlighting the initiatives that contribute to enhancing educational accessibility and quality.

Key Points from the July 2023 Report

1. Leading States in E-Services: Madhya Pradesh stands out as a frontrunner by offering the highest number of e-services (122) within the education sector. It is followed by Karnataka (113), Kerala (92), Gujarat (69), and Himachal Pradesh (55).

2. Diverse E-Service Offerings: Karnataka emerges as a leader in providing various types of e-services (21) under the education sector, closely followed by Kerala (17) and Madhya Pradesh (16).
3. Innovative Learning Solutions: The Government of Gujarat's innovative initiative, the G-Shala (Gujarat Students Holistic Adaptive Learning App), serves as a Learning Management System (LMS) accompanied by e-educational resources for students from Grade I to XII.

4. Online RTE Portal: Madhya Pradesh has pioneered the use of an online and centralized system for the allocation of 100% seats through its Right to Education (RTE) portal, streamlining the educational enrollment process.

5. Centralized Scholarship Portal: The Government of Nagaland has established a centralized scholarship portal that acts as a platform for all state scholarships, ensuring streamlined access to educational financial support. The report notes an increase of 6.3% (816) services compared to the previous month's report, with a total of 13,867 e-services now available in states/union territories.

6. Saturation of Mandatory E-Services: Out of the 2,016 mandatory e-services, a significant 1,397 services (69%) are available, contributing to the overall improvement of service accessibility. The highest number of e-services (5,203) falls within the local governance and utility services category.

7. Sector-Specific Saturation: Remarkably, 58% of states/union territories have achieved saturation of compulsory e-services in the tourism sector, followed by 47% in the environment sector. This underscores the commitment to enhancing various facets of public services.


The release of the fifth 'National E-Governance Services Distribution Assessment' report by the Administrative Reforms and Public Grievance Department signifies a remarkable stride towards digital transformation and efficient service delivery. The comprehensive insights provided in the report underscore the efforts of different states and union territories in leveraging technology for the betterment of citizens.


1. What is NESDA?

   NESDA stands for 'National E-Governance Services Distribution Assessment', a framework that assesses the distribution and accessibility of e-services across states and union territories.

2. Which state leads in e-services under the education sector?

   Madhya Pradesh takes the lead with the provision of 122 e-services in the education sector.

3. What is the G-Shala initiative?

   The G-Shala initiative is a Learning Management System (LMS) developed by the Government of Gujarat, offering holistic adaptive learning resources for students.

4. How is Madhya Pradesh streamlining education enrollment?

   Madhya Pradesh has implemented an online and centralized system for allocating 100% seats through its Right to Education (RTE) portal.

5. What is the significance of the centralized scholarship portal in Nagaland?

   The centralized scholarship portal in Nagaland serves as a common platform for state scholarships, simplifying the process for students to access financial support.


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