Japan's Hitachi Payment Services launches India's first 'UPI-ATM'


Japan's Hitachi Payment Services Launches India's First 'UPI-ATM'

In a groundbreaking collaboration between Hitachi Payment Services, a subsidiary of Japan's renowned Hitachi corporation, and the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), the first-ever UPI-ATM in India has been introduced. This innovation takes the form of a White Label ATM (WLA) and is set to revolutionize the way people access cash. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the details of this pioneering venture, exploring its features, benefits, and the impact it is poised to make on the Indian financial landscape.

In a groundbreaking collaboration between Hitachi Payment Services, a subsidiary of Japan's renowned Hitachi corporation, and the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), the first-ever UPI-ATM in India has been introduced. This innovation takes the form of a White Label ATM (WLA) and is set to revolutionize the way people access cash. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the details of this pioneering venture, exploring its features, benefits, and the impact it is poised to make on the Indian financial landscape.
Japan's Hitachi Payment Services launches India's first 'UPI-ATM'

The Evolution of Banking: UPI-ATM Unveiled

On the 5th of September 2023, the world witnessed the debut of the UPI-ATM at the Global Fintech Fest in Mumbai. This marked a significant milestone in the evolution of banking services in India. Unlike traditional ATMs, the UPI-ATM allows customers to withdraw cash from their bank accounts without the need for debit or credit cards. Instead, it harnesses the power of the United Payments Interface (UPI) application, a popular digital payment platform in India.

The UPI-ATM Experience

Using the UPI-ATM is a straightforward process that offers convenience and security. To initiate a transaction, users must first deposit the desired amount they wish to withdraw. Following this step, a unique QR code, known as the UPI-QR Code, is displayed on the ATM screen. Users simply scan this code using their UPI application. Once scanned, they are prompted to enter their UPI PIN for authentication. Once the transaction is authorized, users can collect their cash from the ATM.

UPI-ATM: A Game Changer

One of the most remarkable aspects of the UPI-ATM is that it is a white label ATM operated by non-banking institutions. This means that it can also be utilized by Payment Service Providers (PSPs) that have undergone the necessary certification and are enabled for Interoperable Cardless Cash Withdrawals (ICCW). This broadens the scope of entities that can offer this innovative service to customers.

Security Reinvented

In addition to its convenience, the UPI-ATM introduces a new level of security to cash withdrawals. It eliminates the risk of 'skimming,' a common technique used by fraudsters to steal card information from traditional ATMs. With UPI-ATM, transactions are carried out securely within the digital realm, significantly reducing the chances of card-related fraud.


Q: How does the UPI-ATM differ from traditional ATMs?

Unlike traditional ATMs that require debit or credit cards, the UPI-ATM utilizes the UPI application for cash withdrawals, offering a cardless and more secure banking experience.

Q: Who can use the UPI-ATM?

Anyone with a registered UPI application can use the UPI-ATM, making it accessible to a wide range of individuals.

Q: Can Payment Service Providers (PSPs) offer UPI-ATM services?

Yes, PSPs can offer UPI-ATM services after undergoing certification and being enabled for Interoperable Cardless Cash Withdrawals (ICCW).

Q: What are the primary advantages of using the UPI-ATM?

The UPI-ATM offers enhanced security, convenience, and accessibility, making it a game changer in the world of cash withdrawals.

Q: How was the UPI-ATM received during its debut at the Global Fintech Fest?

The UPI-ATM received a positive response during its debut, with many lauding its innovative approach to banking.

Q: Can UPI-ATM transactions be carried out securely?

Yes, UPI-ATM transactions are secure, and they significantly reduce the risk of card-related fraud.


The introduction of Japan's Hitachi Payment Services' UPI-ATM in collaboration with NPCI marks a significant leap in the evolution of banking services in India. This innovative and secure method of cash withdrawal is set to redefine how people access their funds, offering convenience and peace of mind. As the financial landscape continues to evolve, the UPI-ATM serves as a shining example of technological advancement in the world of finance.


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