International Democracy Day 2023 celebrated on 15 September

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International Democracy Day 2023 Celebrated on 15 September


International Democracy Day: Celebrating Democracy and Good Governance

Importance Democracy as a Fundamental Human Right

The Meaning of Democracy

The Origins of Democracy: "Demo" and "Kratos"

Democracy: Power and Rule by the Citizens

The Roots of International Democracy Day

The Universal Declaration on Democracy
Adoption of the Declaration by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

Efforts by Qatar to Establish the International Day of Democracy

Establishment of International Democracy Day

United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution in 2007

The Role of Democracy in Shaping Societies Worldwide

Annual Occasion to Reaffirm Commitment to Democratic Values

Theme for International Democracy Day 2023

Empowering the Next Generation: Youth and Democracy

Inclusion of Youth Voices in Decision-Making Processes

Ensuring a Profound Impact on the World

nternational Democracy Day: Celebrating Democracy and Good Governance  Importance Democracy as a Fundamental Human Right
International Democracy Day 2023 celebrated on 15 September

National Engineer Day 2023


Celebrating the Contributions of Engineers to Society

National Engineer's Day: Honouring the Engineering Profession

The Significance of National Engineer Day

Recognizing Remarkable Contributions of Engineers

Celebration on 15th September Every Year

The Theme for National Engineer Day 2023

Engineering for a Sustainable Future

Addressing Global Issues through Engineering Solutions

Focus on Environmental Sustainability, Climate Change, and Resource Conservation

Honoring Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya

Birth Anniversary Celebration of a Great Indian Engineer

Visionary Engineer and Politician
Leaving an Indelible Mark in the Field of Engineering


As we celebrate International Democracy Day and National Engineer Day in 2023, we emphasize the significance of democracy and the role of engineers in shaping our world. The theme of "Empowering the Next Generation" highlights the importance of youth voices in democracy, while "Engineering for a Sustainable Future" emphasizes finding solutions to mounting global challenges. Let us actively participate in these celebrations and reaffirm our commitment to democratic values and the engineering profession.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the significance of International Democracy Day?

International Democracy Day serves as a reminder of the essential role of democracy in shaping societies globally and upholding fundamental human rights.

2. Why is the theme "Empowering the Next Generation" important?

The theme recognizes the crucial role of youth in advancing democracy and ensuring their voices are included in decision-making processes.

3. How was the International Day of Democracy established?

It was established in 2007 by a resolution passed by the United Nations General Assembly to promote democratic values and principles.

4. What is the purpose of National Engineer Day in India?

National Engineer Day celebrates and honors the contributions of engineers to society and highlights their crucial role in development.

5. Why is "Engineering for a Sustainable Future" the theme for National Engineer Day 2023?

This theme emphasizes the need for engineers to address pressing global issues such as environmental sustainability and resource conservation through innovative solutions.

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