‘G77+China’ summit organized to empower the Global South

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‘G77+China’ Summit: Empowering the Global South in Havana, 2023

Discover the significance of the ‘G77+China’ summit in Havana, 2023, and how it empowers the Global South in global governance. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, along with over 30 heads of state, addressed this event, emphasizing its role as champions of multilateralism.


The ‘G77+China’ summit that took place in Havana, Cuba, in September 2023 marked a significant moment in the global political landscape. This two-day gathering of the Group of 77 (G77) and China aimed to amplify the voices and participation of the Global South in shaping global governance. With UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and leaders from over 100 countries in attendance, this summit underscored its role as champions of multilateralism. In this article, we delve into the key takeaways from this historic event and explore its implications for empowering the Global South.

Discover the significance of the ‘G77+China’ summit in Havana, 2023, and how it empowers the Global South in global governance. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, along with over 30 heads of state, addressed this event, emphasizing its role as champions of multilateralism.
‘G77+China’ summit organized to empower the Global South

G77: A Brief Overview

The Group of 77, often referred to as G77, came into existence in 1964 when these countries signed a joint declaration during the first session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Geneva. The unique feature of this group is its rotating leadership, shared among member states in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. What sets G77 apart is its remarkable representation, collectively covering more than 80 percent of the world's population and encompassing over two-thirds of the United Nations member states. To support the group's mission, the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) was established in 1974.

The Summit Highlights

Empowering the Global South

The central theme of the ‘G77+China’ summit was the empowerment of the Global South in global governance. The summit concluded on September 16, 2023, with a resounding call for greater participation and the elevation of the voices of Southern countries on the world stage. This resonates with the urgent need for a more inclusive and balanced approach to global decision-making, where the Global South's perspectives are taken into account.

UN Secretary-General's Address

A pivotal moment during the summit was UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' address on September 15, 2023. His presence reaffirmed the significance of this gathering and the issues at stake. Guterres lauded the G77 and China as champions of multilateralism, emphasizing the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing global challenges.

Diverse Delegations

The summit drew delegations from over 100 countries, creating a diverse and vibrant atmosphere. Notably, more than 30 heads of state and government from Africa, Asia, and Latin America were present. This gathering underscored the broad support and commitment of nations to the goals and ideals of the G77 and China.

China's Role

While not a member of G77, China played a crucial role in supporting and cooperating with the group under the framework of "G77 and China." This collaborative approach exemplifies the spirit of South-South cooperation, where countries with shared development objectives join forces to achieve common goals.

Science, Technology, and Innovation Day

One of the summit's significant outcomes was the declaration by developing countries of September 16, 2023, as the annual “Science, Technology, and Innovation Day in the South.” This initiative aims to mobilize support from the world, the United Nations system, and global financial institutions to promote the efforts of Southern countries in advancing their national science and innovation systems.


What is the main goal of the ‘G77+China’ summit?

The main goal of the ‘G77+China’ summit is to empower the Global South in global governance by advocating for greater participation and voice from Southern countries.

Who addressed the ‘G77+China’ summit in 2023?

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres addressed the ‘G77+China’ summit in 2023, highlighting the importance of multilateralism and collaboration among nations.

How many countries attended the ‘G77+China’ summit in Havana?

The ‘G77+China’ summit in Havana saw delegations from over 100 countries, showcasing widespread international participation.

Is China a member of G77?

No, China is not a member of G77. However, it actively supports and cooperates with the group under the framework of "G77 and China."

What is the significance of the declaration of "Science, Technology, and Innovation Day in the South"?

The declaration of "Science, Technology, and Innovation Day in the South" aims to mobilize global support for Southern countries' efforts in advancing their science and innovation systems.

When did the G77 come into existence, and where was its joint declaration signed?

The G77 was established in 1964 when member countries signed a joint declaration during the first session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Geneva.


The ‘G77+China’ summit of 2023 served as a rallying point for the Global South, advocating for their greater participation and influence in global governance. With UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres leading the discussions and the active involvement of numerous nations, this event emphasized the importance of multilateralism and collaboration in addressing global challenges. As the world moves forward, the declaration of "Science, Technology, and Innovation Day in the South" signifies a commitment to advancing the science and innovation capabilities of Southern countries. This summit truly marks a step towards a more inclusive and balanced world order.


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