The post office of Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir got the title of the country's first post office

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The Remarkable Post Office of Kupwara: India's First Across the LoC

In the picturesque district of Kupwara in Jammu and Kashmir, an extraordinary landmark stands as a testament to the region's rich history and unbreakable connections. This is none other than India's very first post office situated across the Line of Actual Control (LoC), a site that encapsulates not only the essence of communication but also the resilience and perseverance of a community.

The post office of Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir got the title of the country's first post office
The post office of Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir got the title of the country's first post office

The Pioneering Post Office

A Historical Marvel

Tucked away on the banks of the enchanting Kishanganga River, the post office with the pin code 193224 boasts a unique claim to fame. It holds the distinction of being the first post office of India situated across the Line of Actual Control, marking the geographical boundary between the Indian and Pakistani territories. What makes this even more intriguing is that this post office was initially known as the "last" post office in the country due to its proximity to the border.

The Significance of Distance

In a remarkable shift, the post office's identity transformed from "last" to "first." This alteration is a direct reflection of its geographical location. It serves as the very first post office from the border in terms of distance. This change was acknowledged through a signboard that now reads "India's First Post Office." This shift represents a transition from the idea of being the endpoint to becoming the starting point, encapsulating the spirit of connectivity and outreach.

The Testimony of Time

Unwavering Continuity

Abdul Hamid Kumar, the Superintendent of the Post Office in Baramulla Division, shared insights into the post office's evolution. He mentioned, "Earlier, it was known as the last post office because we cannot deliver beyond it. Then, the army changed it to the first post office because it is the first post office." This alteration in nomenclature emphasizes the evolving role of this establishment as a conduit of communication that defies borders.

A Witness to History

The post office's roots trace back to a time long before the independence of India and the formation of Pakistan. It has endured through significant historical events, including the hostilities of 1965 and 1971, as well as the frequent cross-border shelling incidents that intensified after the emergence of Pakistan-backed insurgency in 1990. The unwavering dedication to delivering mail, even in the face of adversity, paints a vivid picture of the post office's resilience.

A Tapestry of Transformation

Changing Landscapes

The significance of this shift is not lost when we consider similar transitions across India. The village of Mana on the India-China border in Chamoli, Uttarakhand, once known as the last Indian village, is now recognized as the "first" Indian village. This changing nomenclature speaks to the shifting dynamics of borders and the evolving connections between regions.

Celebrating Unity

The Flag on High

In the heart of Jammu and Kashmir's Reasi district, a landmark event took place as part of the "Mari Mati Mera Desh" campaign. The district administration hoisted the national flag on the world's highest railway bridge, soaring at a staggering 415 meters above the Chenab river bed. District Development Commissioner Babila Rakwal had the honor of hoisting the tricolor on the Chenab bridge, a symbolic gesture that embodies unity, pride, and resilience.


The post office in Kupwara is more than just a center of communication; it stands as a living monument to the indomitable spirit of the people it serves. As the first post office across the LoC, it bridges gaps and transcends boundaries, reminding us that the power of connectivity can overcome even the most formidable obstacles. It is a beacon of hope, resilience, and shared heritage.


1. What is the significance of the post office in Kupwara?

The post office in Kupwara holds the distinction of being India's first post office across the Line of Actual Control, marking the border with Pakistan.

2. Why was the post office initially called the "last" post office?

The post office was initially known as the "last" post office because it marked the endpoint of postal delivery due to its proximity to the border.

3. How did the post office's identity change from "last" to "first"?

The post office's identity changed due to its distinction as the first post office across the border in terms of distance, as reflected by a signboard reading "India's First Post Office."

4. What historical events has the post office endured through?

The post office has continued to deliver mail even during significant historical events like the hostilities of 1965 and 1971 and cross-border shelling incidents after the insurgency in 1990.

5. What does hoisting the national flag on the Chenab bridge symbolize?

Hoisting the national flag on the Chenab bridge represents unity, pride, and resilience, showcasing the unbreakable spirit of the people._

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