New Zealand becomes first country to ban thin plastic bags

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New Zealand becomes first country to ban thin plastic bags

New Zealand becomes first country to ban thin plastic bags

 New Zealand has become the first country to ban the thin plastic bags that supermarket customers use to collect their fruit and vegetables. The move, which comes into force on 01 July 2023, marks a significant progress in the government's massive drive against single-use plastic.
 Plastic straws and silverware are also included in the ban as part of the government's campaign against single-use plastics. The ban bans the manufacture, sale and distribution of single-use plastic product bags, plastic plates, bowls and cutlery.
 Some establishments, such as supermarkets, pharmacies, hospitality venues and health and disability services, are exempt and can still sell and provide plastic straws to people with disabilities.
 The government is expanding a campaign against single-use plastics that it launched in 2019, when it banned the thick plastic shopping bags that customers used to carry their grocery items home.

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