Elon Musk launched his artificial intelligence-based startup 'xAI

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Elon Musk launched his artificial intelligence-based startup 'xAI'

Elon Musk launched his artificial intelligence-based startup 'xAI'
 SpaceX founder, Elon Musk has introduced his much-anticipated artificial intelligence startup, "xAI". The company's primary objective is to increase the dominance of major technology corporations in the AI industry, with a specific focus on developing an alternative to OpenAI's ChatGPT.
 Musk has consistently advocated for discretion and regulation in the advancement of AI technology. He has repeatedly expressed concern about the potential risks of uncontrolled progress, stressing the possibility of "civilizational destruction".
 In response to these concerns, XAI will take a different approach to prioritizing the security of its AI systems. Earlier, Musk registered a new company named X.AI Corp, based in Nevada, in which he is the sole director.
 Musk has previously hinted at the launch of TruthGPT, an AI model focused on seeking maximum truth, designed to understand the intricacies of the universe, which aims to compete with Google's Bard and Microsoft's Bing AI. One of the AI startup's advisors will be Dan Hendricks, executive director of the Center for AI Safety, a San Francisco-based nonprofit
organization. The headquarters of SpaceX is in Hawthorne, California, United States. It was established on 14 March 2002.

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