Abhishek Chowdhary's book 'Vajpayee: The Ascent of the Hindu Right 1924-1977' released

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Abhishek Chowdhary's book 'Vajpayee: The Ascent of the Hindu Right 1924-1977' released

Abhishek Chowdhary's book 'Vajpayee: The Ascent of the Hindu Right 1924-1977' released

 The early years of late Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee are captured in a new biography by Abhishek Chowdhary, Vajpayee: The Ascent of the Hindu Right 1924- 77. This book is published by Picador India. The original title of this book was 'The Believer's Dilemma' and was published in the UK. The version still has the same title.
 This first volume covers 53 years of Vajpayee's life from 1924 to 1977. In it, Abhishek Chowdhary busts several myths about the former prime minister, whom he says shaped the policies of both the Jana Sangh and the BJP.
 The book explores how both the Congress and the Sangh Parivar tried to co-opt each other for several years until the conservatives in the Congress were cornered by the progressives. The story of the clash with the RSS, the fall of the Jana Sangh government and the formation of the BJP is described in this book.

Maya, Modi, Azad: Dalit Politics in the Time of Hindutva

 Sudha Pai and Sajjan Kumar have written a book titled 'Maya, Modi, Azad: Dalit Politics in the Time of Hindutva'. In this book, he provides
an insightful and thought-provoking examination of the interplay between Maya, Modi and Azad in the realm of Dalit politics.

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