Uttar Pradesh government will start 'Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana'


Uttar Pradesh Government Launches 'Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana': A Revolutionary Step Towards Farmer Welfare

The state of Uttar Pradesh, known for its vast agricultural lands and the hard work of its farmers, is taking a significant step towards ensuring the welfare of its farming community. The Uttar Pradesh Agriculture Department has announced the implementation of the 'Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana,' a unique initiative aimed at safeguarding crops from the damage caused by stray animals. The program proposes the installation of solar fences with a low 12-volt current to deter animals without causing them harm. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of the 'Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana' and its potential impact on farmers and agriculture in the state.

Uttar Pradesh government will start 'Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana'

1. The Need for Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana

Farmers in Uttar Pradesh have long struggled with the issue of stray animals damaging their crops. Despite various measures taken by the government, the problem has persisted, causing immense hardships to the farming community. The 'Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana' comes as a response to this pressing challenge and aims to provide an effective solution to protect crops from animal intrusions.

2. How the Solar Fence Works

Under the 'Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana,' solar fences will be installed around agricultural fields. These fences will emit a low 12-volt current that is enough to give a slight shock to animals when they come in contact with the fence. Additionally, a siren will sound, further deterring animals such as nilgai, monkeys, pigs, and wild boars from entering the fields and causing damage to standing crops.

3. Budget Allocation and Benefits for Farmers

To ensure the successful implementation of the scheme, the Uttar Pradesh government has increased the proposed budget for the 'Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana' from Rs 75 crore to Rs 350 crore. This substantial budget allocation highlights the government's commitment to protecting farmers' interests and promoting agriculture in the state.

As part of the program, small and marginal farmers will receive significant support. The government will offer a grant of 60 percent of the per-hectare cost or Rs 1.43 lakh to aid these farmers in setting up the solar fences. This financial assistance will enable them to safeguard their crops effectively and minimize losses due to animal intrusions.

4. Chief Minister Khet Suraksha Yojana

Under the broader initiative of the 'Chief Minister Khet Suraksha Yojana,' the Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development Department is undertaking a campaign to free pasture lands from illegal encroachments. This step is crucial, as animals tend to cause more damage to crops when they do not find enough food in nearby pastures. The campaign, which runs from July 11 to August 25, aims to create a harmonious balance between the needs of animals and the interests of farmers.


The launch of the 'Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana' by the Uttar Pradesh government marks a milestone in the efforts to protect farmers' livelihoods and ensure agricultural prosperity in the state. By employing solar fences with a low 12-volt current, the government aims to mitigate crop damage caused by stray animals effectively. Moreover, the financial assistance provided to small and marginal farmers demonstrates the government's dedication to uplifting the agricultural community.

With the 'Chief Minister Khet Suraksha Yojana' campaign to free pasture lands, the government is taking a comprehensive approach towards addressing the issue of crop damage. By striking a balance between the interests of farmers and the needs of animals, Uttar Pradesh is setting an example for other states to follow.


1. How does the 'Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana' work?

The 'Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana' involves the installation of solar fences with a low 12-volt current around agricultural fields. When animals come in contact with the fence, they receive a slight shock and hear a siren, deterring them from damaging the crops.

2. Which animals will the solar fence deter?

The solar fence is designed to deter animals such as nilgai, monkeys, pigs, and wild boars, which are commonly known for causing damage to crops in the fields.

3. How has the budget for the scheme been increased?

The proposed budget for the 'Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana' has been increased from Rs 75 crore to Rs 350 crore, indicating the government's commitment to its successful implementation.

4. What support will small and marginal farmers receive under this scheme?

Small and marginal farmers will receive a grant of 60 percent of the per-hectare cost or Rs 1.43 lakh to help them set up the solar fences and protect their crops.

5. What is the purpose of the 'Chief Minister Khet Suraksha Yojana' campaign?

The 'Chief Minister Khet Suraksha Yojana' campaign aims to free pasture land from illegal encroachments, ensuring animals have access to sufficient food and reducing crop damage caused by them.

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