Haryana government started 'Pran Vayu Devta Pension' scheme

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Haryana Government Initiates 'Prana Vayu Devta Pension' Scheme for Trees

In a pioneering move to promote environmental conservation and recognize the significance of trees in our ecosystem, the Haryana government has introduced the 'Haryana Prana Vayu Devta Pension' scheme on 29th July 2023. This unique initiative aims to provide a pension to trees that are above 75 years of age, acknowledging their vital role in providing life-sustaining oxygen and contributing to the overall well-being of the environment.

Haryana government started  'Pran Vayu Devta Pension' scheme
Haryana government started  'Pran Vayu Devta Pension' scheme

Pension for Trees Above 75 Years

Under the 'Prana Vayu Devta Pension' scheme, the Haryana government will grant an annual pension of Rs 2500 to trees that have completed 75 years of age. Similar to an old age pension, this amount will increase proportionately each year. This financial support is a commendable step towards encouraging citizens to care for and nurture elderly trees, recognizing the importance of their preservation for future generations.

The First-of-Its-Kind Initiative

Haryana has the distinction of becoming the first state in the country to implement such an innovative scheme dedicated to honoring and conserving trees. The state government's visionary approach emphasizes the critical role of trees in providing safe and essential oxygen to the atmosphere. As trees age, they contribute even more to oxygen production, making them invaluable assets to the environment. These ancient trees also become sanctuaries for various bird species, providing nesting grounds for biodiversity.

Process for Availing Pension

To avail the 'Prana Vayu Devta Pension,' individuals who have a tree aged 75 years or above on their property can apply by visiting the forest department office in their respective district. A committee will assess each application, verifying the age of the tree and evaluating the applicant's commitment to tree care and conservation. Once all conditions are fulfilled and the application is approved, the pension amount will be directly deposited into the beneficiaries' bank accounts.

Promoting Environmental Awareness

The 'Prana Vayu Devta Pension' scheme not only aims to preserve old trees but also seeks to raise awareness about environmental conservation. It highlights the invaluable contribution of trees to human well-being and the ecosystem. By encouraging people to protect and nurture trees, the scheme fosters a sense of responsibility towards the environment and encourages active participation in sustaining nature's gifts.


The 'Haryana Prana Vayu Devta Pension' scheme is a laudable initiative by the Haryana government, setting a remarkable example for other states to follow. By providing financial support to individuals who care for and preserve trees above 75 years, the scheme encourages citizens to actively participate in environmental conservation. Recognizing the invaluable role of trees in sustaining life and enhancing biodiversity, this visionary initiative takes a significant step towards a greener and more sustainable future.


1. What is the 'Haryana Prana Vayu Devta Pension' scheme?

The 'Haryana Prana Vayu Devta Pension' scheme is an initiative by the Haryana government to provide an annual pension of Rs 2500 to trees that are above 75 years of age, recognizing their importance in the ecosystem.

2. Which trees are eligible for the pension under the scheme?

Trees that have completed 75 years of age are eligible to receive the pension under the 'Prana Vayu Devta Pension' scheme.

3. How will the pension amount be increased over the years?

Similar to an old age pension, the amount of pension for trees will be increased proportionately each year.

4. How can individuals apply for the pension for their trees?

Individuals can apply for the 'Prana Vayu Devta Pension' by visiting the forest department office in their respective district and having their tree's age and condition assessed by a committee.

5. What is the significance of this scheme for environmental conservation?

The 'Prana Vayu Devta Pension' scheme promotes environmental awareness by encouraging people to care for and conserve trees, recognizing their crucial role in providing oxygen and supporting biodiversity.

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