USA becomes the second country to approve the use of lab-grown meat

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The USA becomes the second country to approve the use of lab-grown meat

USA becomes the second country to approve the use of lab-grown meat

 The United States Department of Agriculture has approved two California-based companies, Good Meat, and Upside Foods, to produce and sell lab-grown meat, specifically cell-cultured chicken.

 This is being seen as a significant development in the world of sustainable food production.
 This will also help consumers find alternatives to chicken that is raised and killed on a factory farm.
 Singapore was the first country to allow the sale of alternative meat in 2020.

 A 2021 report estimated that there were 107 companies in 24 countries – including two in India – that were developing lab-grown meat.

lab-grown meat

 Lab-grown meat, officially known as cell-cultured meat, refers to meat that is grown in a laboratory using isolated cells obtained from
 These cells are provided with the necessary resources, such as nutrients and a suitable environment, to replicate and develop into edible flesh. Which are designed to support the cellular cultivation process.

 Once the cells are in sufficient numbers, they are often processed with additives to improve texture and appearance, before they are ready for consumption.

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