Chief Justice of India, Dr. D.Y. Chandrachud l lays the foundation stone for the new campus of the Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh High Court

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Chief Justice of India, Dr. D.Y. Chandrachud l lays the foundation stone for the new campus of the Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh High Court

Chief Justice of India, Dr. D.Y. Chandrachud l lays the foundation stone for the new campus of the Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh High Court

 Chief Justice of India Dr. D.Y. Chandrachud laid the foundation stone for the new complex of the Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court at Raika on the outskirts of Jammu. The estimated cost of this complex equipped with modern facilities will be above 800 crores.
 The Chief Justice also launched e- initiatives for the Judiciary of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. Which includes a document management system for the High Court and a national service for tracking electronic processes in the district courts of both the Union Territories.
 The CJI inaugurated the Training- cum-Examination Center in the Supreme Court Complex. J&K LG lays the foundation stone for the first Foreign Direct Investment project.

High Court

 As a self-contained integrated complex, it will have 35 courtrooms, with a scope for expansion to 70, with chambers for 1,000 lawyers and provision for future expansion.
 The construction got approval from the State Administrative Council in 2019, the complex will also include auditoriums, an administrative block, meditation, medical and computer centers, a judges' library, and facilities for litigants. Additionally, it will provide housing, a judicial academy, and conference facilities.

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