SpaceX Launches NASA's Crew-5 Mission

3 minute read
 On October 05, 2022, SpaceX has successfully launched four astronauts on NASA's Crew-5 mission to the International Space Station (ISS). The SpaceX Company has sent Russian astronaut to space for the first time from its launching vehicle.
 Russian cosmonaut Anna Kikina will serve as the mission specialist. In addition, with her maiden visit to the International Space Station, US Colonel Nicole Mann has become the first American-born woman to travel to space.
 The Crew-5 mission consists of two American, one Japanese and one Russian astronaut. These include NASA astronauts Nicole Mann and Josh Cassada, who will serve as mission commander and pilot. Japan Airspace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Koichi Wakata and Roscosmos astronaut Anna Kikina will serve as mission specialists.
 With the help of a Falcon-9 rocket, Crew Dragon Endurance will reach the International Space Station at a speed of 17,500 mph. By reaching space, Crew-5 will do more than 200 science experiments.
 This launch has been done under an exchange deal between NASA and the Russian space agency Roscosmos. The Falcon-9 rocket's top Dragon spacecraft has been launched from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

 This spacecraft has been sent by a rocket named Falcon 9. This rocket is of about 23 floors. Roscosmos chief Krikalev said that the cooperation between the two in the International Space Station will continue until 2024, and Russia can extend it if it wants. NASA wants the cooperation of both the countries in this matter to continue till 2030.

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