How do Plants Grow ?

How do plants grow ?

Plants begin as seeds. Seeds are little packets that contain everything a plant needs to grow, in the right conditions. Plants grow upward and downward, using energy from sunlight.


Plants take in sunlight, water, and a gas called carbon dioxide. They use these things to make a sugar called glucose. Glucose is food for the plant and gives it energy to grow. Once the light, water, andncarbon dioxide are used up, the plant releases oxygen gas. Sunlight Water OxygenbCarbon dioxide. 

The seed is protected by a shell called a coat. It breaks open when it’s the right temperature and wet enough.

The root breaks out and moves down to fix the plant in place. It takes water and food from the soil. 

The shoot grows upward. There are two first leaves already on it.

Plant energy cycle
A chemical called chlorophyll absorbs light energy from the Sun. It makes leaves look green.

Growing upward
The stem brings water from the ground to the rest of the plant. It grows upward using energy made by the leaves.

First leaves
The leaves open and take in sunlight to make food. The food gives the plant energy to grow.

The plant’s roots grow out and down. They help anchor the plant and supply it with water and other things it needs from the soil.

How can plants spread their seeds ?

Exploding pods
Some plants grow their seeds in pods that burst open, sending seeds in all directions.

Some seeds are very light and shaped to float. They can spreadbto new locationsbin the wind.

Many seeds float. They can travel down streams and along rivers to begin life in a new location. Coconuts float in the sea.

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