Why do we see dreams?

3 minute read

Why do we see dreams?

Why do we see dreams?  Dreams are actually the result of actions in the brain during sleep. Some people say that they do not see dreams, but some other people say that they see a lot of dreams, according to scientific studies, every person in sleep dreams two or three times daily. Some people remember the events of the dream, while some people forget the events of the dream. People have many opinions about dreams.  According to one opinion, the person has a mental state while sleeping, dreams related to that are visible to him. For example, if a person is hungry or thirsty while sleeping, he will have dreams about food and water.  According to another view, the desires which are not able to be fairy in our life, they become fairy in dreams.  Our suppressed feelings are often fulfilled in dreams. Mental stress is also reduced through dreams. When we see dreams, our eyes speed up. There is a difference in the structure of the waves generated by the brain. Some chemical changes take place in the body. Scientists have studied all these changes. It is not yet fully understood why dreams appear, but it is certain that having dreams has its own importance. Some psychologists say that through dreams the brain prepares itself for the activities of the next day, some even say that many of their problems have been solved in dreams. Many scientists got the solution of their problems only in dreams. A scientist named Kekule discovered the structure of benzene from the dream itself. He saw a snake which was cutting its wings by wrapping it in the form of a horoscope. On the basis of this, he gave the structure of the molecule of benzene. In fact, seeing dreams is very beneficial for health.

Dreams are actually the result of actions in the brain during sleep. Some people say that they do not see dreams, but some other people say that they see a lot of dreams, according to scientific studies, every person in sleep dreams two or three times daily. Some people remember the events of the dream, while some people forget the events of the dream. People have many opinions about dreams.
According to one opinion, the person has a mental state while sleeping, dreams related to that are visible to him. For example, if a person is hungry or thirsty while sleeping, he will have dreams about food and water.
According to another view, the desires which are not able to be fairy in our life, they become fairy in dreams.
Why do we see dreams?  Dreams are actually the result of actions in the brain during sleep. Some people say that they do not see dreams, but some other people say that they see a lot of dreams, according to scientific studies, every person in sleep dreams two or three times daily. Some people remember the events of the dream, while some people forget the events of the dream. People have many opinions about dreams.  According to one opinion, the person has a mental state while sleeping, dreams related to that are visible to him. For example, if a person is hungry or thirsty while sleeping, he will have dreams about food and water.  According to another view, the desires which are not able to be fairy in our life, they become fairy in dreams.  Our suppressed feelings are often fulfilled in dreams. Mental stress is also reduced through dreams. When we see dreams, our eyes speed up. There is a difference in the structure of the waves generated by the brain. Some chemical changes take place in the body. Scientists have studied all these changes. It is not yet fully understood why dreams appear, but it is certain that having dreams has its own importance. Some psychologists say that through dreams the brain prepares itself for the activities of the next day, some even say that many of their problems have been solved in dreams. Many scientists got the solution of their problems only in dreams. A scientist named Kekule discovered the structure of benzene from the dream itself. He saw a snake which was cutting its wings by wrapping it in the form of a horoscope. On the basis of this, he gave the structure of the molecule of benzene. In fact, seeing dreams is very beneficial for health.
Our suppressed feelings are often fulfilled in dreams. Mental stress is also reduced through dreams. When we see dreams, our eyes speed up. There is a difference in the structure of the waves generated by the brain. Some chemical changes take place in the body. Scientists have studied all these changes. It is not yet fully understood why dreams appear, but it is certain that having dreams has its own importance. Some psychologists say that through dreams the brain prepares itself for the activities of the next day, some even say that many of their problems have been solved in dreams. Many scientists got the solution of their problems only in dreams. A scientist named Kekule discovered the structure of benzene from the dream itself. He saw a snake which was cutting its wings by wrapping it in the form of a horoscope. On the basis of this, he gave the structure of the molecule of benzene. In fact, seeing dreams is very beneficial for health.

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