Japan launched the world first 6G device

3 minute read
Japan launched the world's
first 6G device
 A Japanese consortium has recently
introduced the prototype of the
world's first high-speed 6G device,
which is claimed that it transfers
data at the speed of light.
 According to reports, the alleged
device may transmit data at 100
gigabit per second (GBPS) and can
cover more than 300 feet distance.
This device is 20 times faster than
the current 5G technology.
 With the use of 100 GHz (GHz), the
prototype of the 6G device can
reach a speed of 100 GBPS inside
the house and enable the 300 GHz
band device to offer 100 GHz (GHz)
 In comparison, the theoretical
maximum speed of 5G technology
is 10 GBPS. However, the real-world
speed for T-Mobile users in the US
is very rarely about 200 megabits
 The reason for providing such a low
speed is the high frequency band.
While high frequencies can mean
faster speed, they limit the
distance covered by the signal and
reduce its entry power.
 Meanwhile, 6G uses more high
frequency bands than 5G. This
means that it will be difficult to get
the frequency required for 6G
 The company tested the speed of
more than 328 feet (100 meters).
The 6G signals can be affected by
walls and even rain.
 While infection from 4G to 5G
focuses on increasing data capacity
for activities such as video
streaming and mobile browsing,
the 6G network can open a
completely new scope of
 With increased speed, 6G can
enable real-time holographic
communication and emergent
virtual and mixed-cosmopolitan

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