India highest export to UAE in the year

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Exploring India's Highest Exports to the UAE in the Year 2023-24

In the dynamic landscape of international trade, India continues to solidify its position as a major player, with its exports reaching various corners of the globe. Among its significant export destinations, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) stands out prominently, serving as a pivotal hub for Indian goods and services. Let's delve deeper into the intricacies of India's highest exports to the UAE during the fiscal year 2023-24.

India's highest export to UAE in the year 2023-24
India's highest export to UAE in the year 2023-24

Overview of India's Export Performance

The latest data released by the Union Commerce Ministry unveils compelling insights into India's export trajectory, showcasing a commendable surge in exports to numerous nations. Out of 238 countries and territories, India experienced positive growth in exports to 115 countries during the fiscal year 2023-24, underscoring the nation's resilience and competitiveness in the global market.

UAE: India's Prime Export Destination

Amidst this expansive export landscape, the UAE emerges as India's foremost export market, wielding significant economic importance. In 2023-24, India's exports to the UAE soared to a staggering $35.6 billion, marking a notable growth rate of 12.71 percent compared to the preceding fiscal year. This robust performance underscores the strong bilateral trade relations between India and the UAE, fueled by mutual economic interests and strategic partnerships.

Key Export Destinations Beyond the UAE

While the UAE claims the top spot, India's export prowess extends far beyond its borders. Noteworthy growth rates were recorded in exports to other key destinations as well. For instance, exports to Singapore surged by 20.19 percent, reaching US$14.4 billion, while exports to the UK and China witnessed growth rates of 13.30 percent and 8.70 percent, respectively.

Exceptional Growth in Select Markets

Amidst the diverse array of export destinations, certain markets witnessed exceptional growth rates, signaling emerging opportunities for Indian exporters. Countries such as Albania, Romania, and Russia experienced remarkable export growth rates of 234.97 percent, 138.84 percent, and 35.41 percent, respectively, reflecting the expanding global footprint of Indian goods and services.

India's Export Portfolio: A Diverse Landscape

India's export portfolio comprises a wide spectrum of goods and services, catering to diverse market demands across the globe. These 115 export destinations collectively account for 46.5 percent of India's export basket, encompassing a myriad of sectors including but not limited to engineering, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and textiles.

Dynamics of India's Import Profile

While India excels in exporting goods and services, its import dynamics are equally significant in shaping the nation's trade landscape. The top 10 source countries contribute significantly to India's import basket, comprising nations such as China, USA, and Saudi Arabia. Notably, imports from the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, and Oman witnessed a decline during the fiscal year 2023-24.

Global Economic Context and India's Export Performance

Against the backdrop of a challenging global economic environment, India's export resilience is commendable. Despite facing headwinds, India achieved its highest ever exports totaling USD 778.2 billion in 2023-24, showcasing remarkable resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.

Future Outlook and Opportunities

Looking ahead, India's export trajectory appears promising, with opportunities for further expansion and diversification across sectors. Leveraging its strengths in key industries such as engineering, electronics, and pharmaceuticals, India is poised to capitalize on emerging market trends and capitalize on untapped opportunities.


India's robust export performance, particularly to destinations like the UAE, underscores the nation's growing influence and competitiveness in the global market. With a diverse portfolio of goods and services and a steadfast commitment to innovation and excellence, India continues to chart a path of economic growth and prosperity on the global stage.

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