India got 39th position in the World Economic Forum Travel and Tourism Development Index


India Climbs to 39th Position in World Economic Forum Travel and Tourism Development Index


India's ascent to the 39th position in the World Economic Forum Travel and Tourism Development Index 2024 marks a significant milestone in the country's tourism landscape. This achievement underscores India's growing prominence as a global tourism destination and highlights its competitive edge in the travel and tourism sector.

Relevance and Importance

The World Economic Forum Travel and Tourism Development Index serves as a barometer of a nation's tourism competitiveness, reflecting its attractiveness and readiness to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the travel industry. India's enhanced ranking signifies its evolving tourism infrastructure and the concerted efforts to position itself as a preferred destination for travelers worldwide.

India got 39th position in the World Economic Forum Travel and Tourism Development Index
India got 39th position in the World Economic Forum Travel and Tourism Development Index

Background and Methodology

The 2024 Travel and Tourism Development Index, prepared in collaboration with Surrey University in England, evaluates 119 countries based on various parameters related to tourism competitiveness. The ranking considers factors such as infrastructure, cultural resources, natural attractions, and overall value proposition for tourists.

Methodological Insights

  • Comprehensive assessment encompassing infrastructure, resources, and competitiveness factors.
  • Incorporation of diverse data sources to ensure a robust evaluation framework.

Key Findings

India's performance in the 2024 index reflects its strengths across multiple dimensions of tourism development.

Rankings Overview

  • United States leads with a score of 5.24, followed by Spain, Japan, France, and Australia.
  • India secures the highest position in South Asia among low-medium-income economies.

India's Performance

  • Total score of 4.25 underscores India's progress in various tourism-related parameters.
  • Notable rankings in high-value competitiveness (18th), air transport (26th), and ground infrastructure (25th).

Analysis of Resource Endowments

India's abundant natural, cultural, and non-hematic resources contribute significantly to its tourism appeal.

Natural Resources (6th)

  • Diverse landscapes ranging from pristine beaches to majestic mountains.
  • Rich biodiversity offering unique wildlife experiences.

Cultural Resources (9th)

  • Heritage sites reflecting India's rich history and cultural heritage.
  • Vibrant festivals showcasing the country's cultural tapestry.

Non-Hematic Resources (9th)

  • Modern amenities and hospitality infrastructure catering to diverse traveler preferences.
  • Emerging trends in eco-tourism and sustainable tourism practices.

Implications and Future Outlook

India's upward trajectory in the Travel and Tourism Development Index signals promising prospects for the country's tourism sector.

Competitive Edge

  • Enhanced global visibility and recognition as a tourist-friendly destination.
  • Opportunities for strategic partnerships and collaborations to further bolster tourism infrastructure.

Future Initiatives

  • Continued focus on sustainable tourism practices and responsible travel initiatives.
  • Leveraging digital technologies to enhance visitor experiences and streamline tourism operations.


India's remarkable climb in the World Economic Forum Travel and Tourism Development Index 2024 reaffirms its position as a key player in the global tourism landscape. With a diverse array of attractions and a commitment to excellence, India is poised to emerge as a premier destination for discerning travelers seeking enriching experiences.

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