India advocates 'two-state solution' to end Israel- Palestine conflict in UN

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India Advocates 'Two-State Solution' to End Israel-Palestine Conflict in UN

India's Call for a Two-State Solution

India's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ruchira Kamboj, recently emphasized India's commitment to a 'two-state' solution as a path to resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict. Speaking at the UN General Assembly, Kamboj affirmed India's support for a resolution that allows the Palestinian people to live freely in an independent state with secure borders while ensuring Israel's security needs are met.

India advocates 'two-state  solution' to end Israel- Palestine conflict in UN
India advocates 'two-state  solution' to end Israel- Palestine conflict in UN

Addressing the Israel-Hamas Conflict and Humanitarian Concerns

Ruchira Kamboj strongly condemned the October 7, 2023 attack on Israel by Hamas but highlighted that international humanitarian laws must be respected by all parties involved in the conflict. She called for the unconditional release of Israeli hostages held in Gaza and underscored India's commitment to providing humanitarian assistance to Palestinians.

Kamboj urged for a significant increase in humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza to prevent further deterioration of the situation. This appeal reflects India's concern for the humanitarian crisis caused by the ongoing conflict.

India's Support for Palestine's UN Membership

Kamboj expressed hope for international support for Palestine's bid for full membership in the United Nations. This comes after the United States vetoed a UN Security Council resolution granting Palestinian statehood, causing frustration among many nations that back the cause.

The Path to Peace: Direct Negotiations and Abraham Accords

India sees direct negotiations as the only suitable option for achieving lasting peace in the region. The Abraham Accords, an agreement to normalize relations between Israel and the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco, were seen as a positive step towards stability. India's position is that the two-state solution should be pursued through dialogue and cooperation, respecting the aspirations of both Palestinians and Israelis.

The Two-State Solution and Its Importance

A two-state solution, in theory, resolves Israel's security concerns while maintaining a majority Jewish population, allowing for a separate state for Palestinians. This approach was initially agreed upon during the Madrid Peace Conference in 1991 as a result of U.S. mediation.

The 1947 UN Partition Plan and subsequent conflicts have led to decades of military action and violence. According to the United Nations, a two-state solution, recognizing the legitimate national aspirations of both Palestine and Israel, can provide a basis for lasting peace in the region.


India's call for a two-state solution at the United Nations underscores the need for a balanced approach to the Israel-Palestine conflict. By advocating for direct negotiations and humanitarian aid, India aims to contribute to a peaceful resolution that addresses the legitimate aspirations of both sides. The path forward relies on diplomacy, respect for international law, and a commitment to human rights.

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