HDFC Bank and Visa launch India's first premier virtual credit card 'Pixel Play'

3 minute read
HDFC Bank and Visa launch
India's first premier virtual
credit card 'Pixel Play'
 HDFC Bank in partnership with Visa
has launched Pixel Play, the
country's first virtual credit card,
offering personalized benefits and
seamless digital management
through the Payzapp mobile app.
 It has two different variants, Pixel
Play and Pixel Go. While PIXEL Play
will enable users to create their
own cards with personalized
benefits, PIXEL Go is designed for
beginners who want to build their
credit score. Membership fee will
be ₹500 plus taxes on both credit
 'PIXEL' marks HDFC Bank's debut
in an end-to-end mobile app-based
customizable credit card range.
With streamlined digital
management and a host of
features including card control,
rewards and EMI dashboard, HDFC
Bank sets a new benchmark for
seamless banking experiences.
 This 100% digital offering
eliminates the need for extensive
documentation or communication.
Additionally, users enjoy the
flexibility of choosing their
preferred billing cycle date and can
convert purchases into EMIs while
easily managing repayments
through PayZapp.
 HDFC Bank became the first bank
in India to cross 2 crore credit cards
in circulation in January 2024.
Having pioneered the credit card
business in 2001, HDFC Bank's rapid
growth underlines its position as a
leader in the banking industry.

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