International conference of World Wetlands Day-24 was held in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.

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World Wetlands Day 2024: Indore Hosts International Conference Celebrating Nature's Vital Ecosystems

World Wetlands Day (WWD) took center stage in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, as an international conference unfolded on February 2, 2024, at the Ramsar site of Sirpur Talab. This significant event commemorates the adoption of the International Convention on Wetlands in Ramsar, Iran, on February 2, 1971, a pact that India officially ratified on February 1, 1982.

International conference of World Wetlands Day-24 was held in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
International conference of World Wetlands Day-24 was held in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.

Theme of Reflection: 'Wetlands and Human Wellbeing'

The theme chosen for World Wetlands Day 2024, 'Wetlands and Human Wellbeing,' resonates deeply with the vital role wetlands play in our ecosystem. The international conference on Sirpur Talab shed light on how these crucial ecosystems contribute to flood protection, clean water, biodiversity, and recreation opportunities, all essential components of human health and prosperity.

A Global Tradition: Commemorating Wetlands Globally

World Wetlands Day is observed annually worldwide on February 2, marking the adoption of the International Convention on Wetlands. The United Nations General Assembly, recognizing the significance of wetlands, officially established February 2 as World Wetlands Day through resolution 75/317 on August 30, 2021.

Wetlands: Nature's Diverse Tapestry

Wetlands, as highlighted on this occasion, come in various forms, ranging from freshwater to marine or coastal ecosystems. Marshes, wet grasslands, swamps, coral reefs, and mangroves are just a few examples of the diverse tapestry that constitutes wetlands. The inclusivity extends to man-made sites like rice fields, reservoirs, salt pans, and fish ponds, all recognized as integral parts of this crucial ecosystem.

Recognition and Conservation Efforts

Union Minister for Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, Shri Bhupendra Yadav, recently designated five wetlands for special recognition. Among these, Ankasamudra Bird Conservation Reserve, Aghanashini Estuary, and Magadi Kere Conservation Reserve find their place in Karnataka, while Karaivetti Bird Sanctuary and Longwood Shola Reserve Forest are located in Tamil Nadu. This designation reflects the commitment to the conservation and protection of these vital ecosystems.

In conclusion, the International Conference on World Wetlands Day 2024 held in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, serves as a beacon for the global community to appreciate and safeguard the invaluable contributions of wetlands. As we reflect on the theme of 'Wetlands and Human Wellbeing,' it becomes clear that the preservation of these ecosystems is not just an environmental imperative but a commitment to the overall prosperity and health of humanity.

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