India's Position in Transparency International's 'Corruption Perception Index-2023': A Detailed Analysis


India's Position in Transparency International's 'Corruption Perception Index-2023': A Detailed Analysis

In the recently released 'Corruption Perception Index-2023' by Transparency International, India finds itself ranked 93rd among 180 countries, with an overall score of 39. This marks a slight decline from the 85th position it held in 2022, with a score of 40.

India's Position in Transparency International's 'Corruption Perception Index-2023': A Detailed Analysis
India's Position in Transparency International's 'Corruption Perception Index-2023': A Detailed Analysis

Global Landscape and India's Performance

The report indicates a troubling trend of minimal progress in addressing public sector corruption globally. The global average of the CPI has remained stable at 43 for the 12th consecutive year. This underscores the persistent challenge of corruption on a global scale.

Denmark continues to lead the index for the sixth consecutive year, securing a score of 90, attributed to its well-functioning justice systems. Following closely are Finland and New Zealand, securing second and third place with scores of 87 and 85, respectively.

Challenges and Neighboring Dynamics

India's immediate neighbors present a mixed picture. Afghanistan and Myanmar received 20 points each, reflecting the challenges posed by protracted crises, primarily armed conflicts. China, with a score of 42, Japan with 73, and Bangladesh with 24, showcase varying degrees of performance in managing corruption.

Pakistan, scoring 29, and Sri Lanka, with a score of 34, grapple with their respective debt burdens and anticipated political instability, as noted in the report. These factors contribute to the challenges these nations face in addressing corruption within their public sectors.

Global Prevalence of Corruption

The report reveals that more than two-thirds of the 180 listed countries scored below 50 on the scale, indicating the widespread prevalence of corruption. The Corruption Perception Index ranks countries based on perceived levels of public sector corruption, ranging from zero (extremely corrupt) to 100 (very clean).

India's relatively steady score of 39 suggests a lack of significant fluctuations that would allow firm conclusions about any substantial changes. However, the report raises concerns about the erosion of civic space in India, particularly with the passage of a Telecom Bill ahead of elections, which is seen as a potential serious threat to fundamental rights.

Evolution of the Corruption Perception Index

Since its inception in 1995, the Corruption Perceptions Index has become the leading global indicator of public sector corruption. Drawing data from 13 external sources, including the World Bank, World Economic Forum, private risk and consulting companies, think tanks, and others, the index provides a comprehensive evaluation of 180 countries and territories worldwide based on perceptions of public sector corruption.

In conclusion, India's position in the Corruption Perception Index-2023 highlights the ongoing challenges of addressing corruption within the public sector. As the global community grapples with this pervasive issue, the need for concerted efforts to strengthen anti-corruption measures becomes increasingly evident.

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