Three young Indian scientists will receive 'Blavatnik Award' in Britain

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Indian Scientists Shine: Recognition at the Prestigious Blavatnik Awards in Britain


In a remarkable achievement, three young Indian scientists have been selected among the nine recipients of the prestigious 'Blavatnik Award' 2024 in Britain. The Blavatnik Awards, recognizing outstanding contributions in Chemistry, Physics, and Life Sciences, stand as a testament to the remarkable achievements of these scientists on an international stage.

Three young Indian scientists will receive 'Blavatnik Award' in Britain
Three young Indian scientists will receive 'Blavatnik Award' in Britain

The Awardees

1. Professor Rahul R. Nair

Professor Rahul R. Nair, a distinguished physical physicist at the University of Manchester, has been honored for his groundbreaking work in developing new membranes based on 2D materials. His contributions to the field of materials science and physics have earned him a well-deserved place among the recipients of the Blavatnik Award.

2. Professor Mehul Malik

Professor Mehul Malik, recognized as a laureate in Physics, has been acknowledged for advancing quantum communications through pioneering techniques. His innovative work in the realm of quantum physics positions him as a leading figure in the field, contributing to the cutting-edge developments in communication technologies.

3. Dr. Tanmay Bharat

Dr. Tanmay Bharat, a young biologist from Britain of Indian origin, has been lauded for his remarkable achievements in creating atomic-level pictures of cell-surface molecules produced by microorganisms and archaea. Dr. Bharat's work in the Life Sciences has made significant strides in understanding molecular structures critical to various biological processes.

The Recognition Ceremony

The selected young scientists will be honored at a prestigious ceremony to be held at Banquet House, London, on 27 February 2024. This esteemed event, hosted by the 'Blavatnik Family Foundation' and 'The New York Academy of Sciences,' will celebrate their outstanding research contributions across diverse scientific disciplines.

Prizes and Awards

In recognition of their excellence, the three Indian scientists, along with their counterparts, will collectively receive a total of £480,000 in prizes. This financial support is a testament to the value placed on their groundbreaking work and its potential impact on advancing scientific knowledge.

The Blavatnik Awards Legacy

The Blavatnik Awards have carved a legacy of honoring young scientists globally, acknowledging their pioneering contributions to various scientific domains. This recognition not only highlights the individual achievements of the awardees but also underscores the significance of international collaboration and contributions to the scientific community.


The inclusion of three young Indian scientists among the recipients of the Blavatnik Awards in Britain is a moment of pride for the scientific community in India and around the world. Their contributions in Chemistry, Physics, and Life Sciences exemplify the caliber of talent emerging from diverse corners of the globe. As they are celebrated on the global stage, the Blavatnik Awards reaffirm the importance of fostering scientific curiosity and innovation.

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