United Nations Climate Talks, 2024/COP-29 will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan

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United Nations Climate Talks 2024/COP-29 in Baku, Azerbaijan: A Focal Point for Global Climate Discussions

Explore the significance of United Nations Climate Talks 2024/COP-29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Discover the historical backdrop, major COP meetings, and India's role in the 'Race to Resilience' campaign. Get insights into the challenges, decisions, and the city's unique position as a hub for climate discussions.


The upcoming United Nations Climate Talks in 2024, COP-29, will unfold in Baku, Azerbaijan. This decision, reached after a prolonged standoff with Armenia, positions Baku as a pivotal location for global climate discussions. With a history dating back to the world's first oil fields, Baku faces the unique challenge of hosting talks focused on reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

United Nations Climate Talks, 2024/COP-29 will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan
United Nations Climate Talks, 2024/COP-29 will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan

Baku's Unprecedented Role

Baku's selection as the host city raises eyebrows as an oil superpower takes center stage in climate conversations. This unexpected decision, coming just 11 months before the talks, adds intrigue to an event traditionally planned years in advance.

Major COP Meetings

COP 01 – Berlin, 28 March – 07 April 1995

COP 02 – Geneva, Switzerland, 08 July – 19 July 1996

COP 03- Kyoto, Japan, 01 December – 10 December 1997

COP 04- Buenos Aires, Argentina, 02 November – 13 November 1998

COP 26 – Glasgow, Scotland – 31 October – 12 November 2021

COP 27 – Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, 06 November – 18 November 2022

COP 28- Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 30 November – 12 December 2023

Explore the historical context of COP meetings, tracing their evolution from Berlin to Dubai, leading up to the imminent COP-29 in Baku.

'Race to Resilience'

India's commitment to the 'Race to Resilience' campaign, announced during COP28 in Dubai, underscores its dedication to building climate resilience in urban areas. The Climate Center for Cities (C-Cube) at NIUA plays a crucial role in driving India's participation.

United Nations Climate Talks 2024/COP-29: A Focal Point

The talks in Baku hold immense significance, considering the historical tussle over the hosting rights. Delve into the potential impact of hosting climate discussions in a city with a rich oil-centric past.

Navigating the Standoff

Unravel the details of the longstanding standoff between Azerbaijan and Armenia over hosting COP-29, shedding light on the geopolitical intricacies involved.

The Countdown in Dubai

Contrast the meticulous planning of the Dubai talks, scheduled over two years in advance, with Baku's eleventh-hour decision-making process, highlighting the challenges and surprises in the lead-up to COP-29.


Q: Why was there a standoff between Azerbaijan and Armenia over hosting COP-29? A: The standoff stemmed from geopolitical tensions, with both nations vying for the prestigious opportunity to host COP-29.

Q: How does Baku's history as an oil-centric city influence its role in climate talks? A: Baku's historical connection to oil adds a unique layer to COP-29, as an oil superpower grapples with discussions focused on reducing fossil fuel reliance.

Q: Why is India's participation in the 'Race to Resilience' significant? A: India's commitment reflects a proactive stance in addressing climate challenges, particularly in urban areas, showcasing a dedication to building resilience.

Q: What role does the Climate Center for Cities (C-Cube) play in India's participation? A: C-Cube, an autonomous institute, spearheads strategies to reduce climate-related risks and enhance resilience in urban environments.

Q: How does the timing of Baku's decision to host COP-29 add intrigue to the event? A: Baku's decision, just 11 months before the talks, contrasts with the usual planning timeline, adding an element of surprise and anticipation.

Q: What is the historical significance of major COP meetings, leading up to COP-29? A: The evolution of COP meetings, from Berlin in 1995 to Dubai in 2023, sets the stage for understanding the historical context of global climate discussions.


As Baku takes the spotlight for COP-29, the world anticipates a unique chapter in the history of climate talks. Navigating geopolitical challenges, historical legacies, and India's proactive initiatives, the discussions in Baku promise to shape the global climate agenda.

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