Uma Shekhar becomes the first Indian woman to be elected to the Governing Council of UNIDROIT

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Uma Shekhar: A Trailblazer in International Law

Explore the historic moment as Uma Shekhar becomes the first Indian woman elected to the Governing Council of UNIDROIT. Discover the significance of her victory, the 82nd session details, and the role of UNIDROIT in modernizing international law.


India's Uma Shekhar made history by securing a decisive victory in the election for the Governing Council of UNIDROIT. In this article, we delve into the details of this remarkable achievement, the broader context of UNIDROIT, and the implications for the future of international law.

Uma Shekhar becomes the first Indian woman to be elected to the Governing Council of UNIDROIT
Uma Shekhar becomes the first Indian woman to be elected to the Governing Council of UNIDROIT

Uma Shekhar's Historic Triumph

In a field of 32 contestants, including major players like the US, China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and France, Uma Shekhar emerged victorious. The Indian government hailed this as a "historic" moment, highlighting her impressive margin of 45 votes out of 59 in the first round.

The 82nd UNIDROIT General Assembly

The backdrop of Uma Shekhar's victory was the 82nd session of the UNIDROIT General Assembly held in Rome, Italy. This assembly elected new members to the UNIDROIT Governing Council for the term 2024-2028. The Governing Council, comprised of 25 posts, is manned by eminent legal experts from around the globe.

Understanding UNIDROIT

UNIDROIT, initially established in 1926 as part of the League of Nations, holds a crucial role in modernizing and harmonizing private and commercial law among states and groups of states. After the League of Nations' dissolution in 1940, UNIDROIT was re-established under its statute.

UNIDROIT's Mission and Objectives

UNIDROIT's mission revolves around studying the needs and methods for modernization, harmonization, and coordination of private and commercial law. The institute aims to prepare common law instruments, principles, and rules to achieve these objectives.

Uma Shekhar's Impact

Uma Shekhar's election to the Governing Council symbolizes a significant step forward for gender equality and India's representation in international legal forums. Her victory amplifies India's voice in shaping global legal frameworks.



UNIDROIT, established in 1926, is an international institute dedicated to modernizing and harmonizing private and commercial law among states.

How was Uma Shekhar's victory described?

The Indian government hailed Uma Shekhar's election as "historic," emphasizing her impressive margin of 45 votes out of 59.

How many votes were required for election to the Governing Council?

To be elected to the Governing Council, a candidate needed a minimum of 21 votes.

What is the role of the UNIDROIT Governing Council?

The Governing Council, consisting of 25 posts, plays a crucial role in guiding UNIDROIT's initiatives and policies.

When was UNIDROIT re-established?

UNIDROIT was re-established in 1940 after the dissolution of the League of Nations.

What is UNIDROIT's primary objective?

UNIDROIT aims to modernize, harmonize, and coordinate private and commercial law between states and groups of states.


Uma Shekhar's achievement resonates not only as a personal triumph but also as a milestone for India and the advancement of international legal frameworks. As we celebrate her historic victory, we recognize the broader impact it holds for the future of global governance.

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