‘Karma Puja Festival’ celebrated in Jharkhand

6 minute read

Karma Puja Festival Celebrated in Jharkhand: A Harvest of Tradition and Love

Explore the vibrant celebration of Karma Puja Festival in Jharkhand, a unique blend of crop worship, nature reverence, and sibling affection. Discover the customs, rituals, and significance of this festivity in this comprehensive guide.


Karma Puja Festival, celebrated in the picturesque state of Jharkhand, is a captivating tapestry of culture, spirituality, and tradition. This unique celebration revolves around the worship of crops, reverence for nature, the bond of love between brothers and sisters, and the importance of the Karma tree. In this article, we will take you on a journey through the rich customs and rituals of Karma Puja, shedding light on its significance and regional variations.

Explore the vibrant celebration of Karma Puja Festival in Jharkhand, a unique blend of crop worship, nature reverence, and sibling affection. Discover the customs, rituals, and significance of this festivity in this comprehensive guide.
‘Karma Puja Festival’ celebrated in Jharkhand

Karma Puja Festival: A Cultural Gem

Karma Puja Festival is one of the most cherished festivals in Jharkhand. It is a grand celebration that encapsulates the essence of the state's culture and heritage. The festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm, and its traditions have been passed down through generations.

The Dance of Karma

One of the hallmark features of Karma Puja is the mesmerizing dance performed by Karma dancers. These dancers, with branches of the Karma tree in hand, sing and dance to express their reverence for nature and the bountiful harvest. The dance is not only a visual delight but also a heartfelt tribute to the land's fertility.

Milk and Rice Soaked Branch

Intriguingly, the festival involves placing a branch of the Karma tree soaked in milk and rice at the center of the venue. This symbolic gesture signifies the importance of agriculture in the lives of the people of Jharkhand. It is a beautiful representation of the unity between humans and nature.

Regional Celebrations

Karma Puja is not confined to Jharkhand alone. It is also celebrated with fervor in Bihar, making it a prominent festival in the eastern region of India. The festival transcends state boundaries, with Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Bengal, Assam, and other neighboring states joining in the festivities.

Karma Puja: A Deeper Dive

Let's delve deeper into the various aspects of Karma Puja, exploring the customs, rituals, and significance associated with this festival.

Rituals and Preparations

The preparations for Karma Puja begin several days before the actual celebration. People collect sand or clay from the river or pond, in which they sow seven types of grains. This act symbolizes the bond between humans and nature, as well as their reliance on the land for sustenance.

The Bamboo Centerpiece

On the day of Karma Puja, a bamboo structure is beautifully decorated and placed in the middle of the courtyard. This serves as the focal point of the celebrations and represents the Karma tree, which holds great significance throughout the festival.

Worship and Sibling Love

A heartwarming tradition during Karma Puja involves women sitting around the Karma tree, praying for the happiness and prosperity of their brothers. This ritual underscores the deep bond of love between siblings, a theme that runs through the festival.

Overnight Vigil

Karma Puja is also known for its tradition of an overnight vigil. People stay awake, engaging in prayers, songs, and dances throughout the night. This signifies their devotion and gratitude for the harvest season.

FAQs about Karma Puja Festival

What is the significance of Karma Puja Festival?

Karma Puja Festival holds immense cultural and agricultural significance. It celebrates the bond between humans and nature, the importance of crop cultivation, and the love between siblings.

When is Karma Puja celebrated in 2023?

In 2023, Karma Puja was celebrated on 25th September. The festival falls in the month of Bhado, on the 11th day of Bhadrapada.

Which tribes in Jharkhand celebrate Karma Puja?

Baiga, Oraon, Binjhwari, and Majhwar tribes of Jharkhand are among the communities that celebrate Karma Puja with great pomp.

**What is the central ritual of Karma Puja?

The central ritual of Karma Puja involves placing a branch of the Karma tree soaked in milk and rice at the venue's center, signifying the bond between humans and nature.

How do people prepare for Karma Puja?

Days before the festival, people collect sand or clay from rivers or ponds and sow seven types of grains in it as part of their preparations.

What is the significance of the overnight vigil during Karma Puja?

The overnight vigil is a display of devotion and gratitude for the harvest season. It involves prayers, songs, and dances, and is a key aspect of the festival.


Karma Puja Festival is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Jharkhand and the eastern region of India. This celebration of crops, nature, sibling love, and the Karma tree brings communities together in a joyful and harmonious manner. As you immerse yourself in the traditions of Karma Puja, you gain a deeper appreciation for the profound connection between humans and the environment.

Explore this unique festival, witness its vibrant rituals, and experience the warmth of familial love during Karma Puja in Jharkhand. It is a celebration that not only enriches the soul but also fosters a deeper understanding of the bond between humans and nature.


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